Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun prp] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Yet the other eleven nations of Europe opted into the Social Chapter .
2 The south coast of Devon bulges into the Channel between Exeter and Plymouth as if being pushed out to sea by the bulk of Dartmoor and reaching out towards France .
3 To this end we asked Martin Beckett our regional pig adviser from ADAS to look into the alternatives .
4 After dark , a small fishing boat from Burnmouth slipped into the harbour , with two passengers aboard , one none other than Sir William Keith , the Marischal , wounded , the other his own esquire .
5 Since some of those are probably from the same people , it is safe to assume that the aviation user base of Skymaster runs into the low hundreds .
6 Yes , we set up a unit affiliated to the University of Salzburg to look into the question of stress in music-making ; and also the influence of music on the mind and the body , of healthy people and sick people .
7 I think this had been the former jockey 's house , for the Kirkwoods of Woodbrook survived into the middle of the twentieth century by breeding racehorses .
8 Then , on the day of his journey home , an aeroplane from Sydney crashed into the sea just south of Hong Kong .
9 ‘ It was terribly embarrassing , ’ said Tom , who is to attempt a memory record for Britain to get into the Guinness Book of Records .
10 At this point the short version abandons the formal prayer frames and opens out into uninterrupted prose in which meditation on the enormity of what is happening to him " schop the sonne & al is , of al gode in " [ schop : created ; : anything ] ( p.85 ) carries the narrative to the point where Christ leaves Jerusalem ; then the meditation on the sorrow of Mary modulates into the account of the death of Christ , the major stages of which are marked by cries of remembrance but unpunctuated by any suggestions for Latin prayer .
11 An aeroplane carrying many of Zambia 's national soccer team to a World Cup qualifying match in Senegal crashed into the Atlantic soon after take-off from Libreville , in Gabon .
12 STORMIN ’ Norman Tebbit hijacked the Tory conference yesterday as the war over Europe exploded into the most vicious confrontation in the party 's history .
13 The planting of the woods above Halling continued into the 19th and early 20th century for woodcutters , as well as producing Bavins etc. for the lime and cement industry , planted young trees .
14 Barry knew there was never much chance of Billy going into the family business , and he was disappointed , but he 's not a vindictive man .
15 Mr Nellist was finance director of Bioplan Holdings until February when Hospital Corporation of America reversed into the small , listed healthcare company .
16 The people of Kislev moved into the Old World from the areas east of the Worlds Edge Mountains and founded the kingdom which lies on the north eastern borders of the Empire .
17 On the night of the operation two hundred police and customs officers were hiding on the holiday beach at Anglesey when a rubber dinghy from Eloise nudged into the sand .
18 ‘ It might take a few games for Martin to settle into the side but he is a good team man and strong defensively .
19 Returning to Reine that afternoon , I caught sight of Jean-Claude slipping into the dark urban cleft that was the rue de Sèvres , and I noticed that I felt nothing , neither curi-osity nor apprehension .
20 The band 's guitar tech , Mole — so named because of the way he squints through his rounded spectacles — punches a continuous barrage of Ramones hits into the jukebox , and drummer Fyfe Ewins models a beret he 's liberated from Lord knows where .
21 Then , when a firm like Montupet comes into the area , they have to look outside West Belfast for a workforce with the skills they need .
22 ‘ We produced a brochure and the decision went in our favour with Wigan dropping into the Midlands Senior League .
23 A key post at the Council in the Marches of Wales came into the hands of a wholly untrained man , Fulke Greville , through his friendship with Philip Sidney .
24 It should come as no surprise that just at the time when manufacturers were becoming cautious in their claims about what their creams could do , a pharmaceutical superstar in the form of Retin-A burst into the firmament .
25 The Bank of England stepped into the currency markets three times yesterday morning , selling dollars and buying pounds .
26 The Bank of England stepped into the currency markets three times as the pound continued its slide below 3 marks — once seen as a level which would attract critical support from the Government .
27 I nearly bit my lip when I saw that header from Fairclough looping into the top right hand corner from the McAllister free kick .
28 In October , Water & Ventilation in Salisbury ventured into the unknown world of telecanvassing .
29 In the extreme south Italy 's history follows , naturally , a Sicilian pattern : we saw that Anaxilas of Rhegion married into the Syracusan tyrannical house , and he practised the same kind of aggression against the neighbouring Greek states as his Sicilian contemporaries .
30 The unfortunate Bishop of Exeter fell into the hands of the mob and was dragged to Cheapside , from St. Pauls , and there beheaded .
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