Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] can [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Requests for leave can then be matched with weeks available .
2 Loss of colour can even be related to its status or even its mood .
3 The balance between the intensity of smoothing and loss of detail can only be worked out by trial and error ; the effect of the 7 x 5 moving average filter on the visual appearance of Figure 5.17(a) is sufficient to produce a more usable product which reveals the location and shape of the offshore sandbanks and the disposition of the suspended sediment plumes from the rivers discharging into The Wash .
4 The influence of pragmatism on the realist 's call for a social scientific approach to the study of law can also be readily detected since a basic tenet of pragmatism was to view practical judgment as an instrumental method of inquiry which was validated by society .
5 The heads of agreement can also be used to brief your lawyers prior to drafting the sale and purchase agreement .
6 Other diagenetic features such as corrosion of quartz grains by carbonate , relative timing of quartz overgrowth formation and cementation and the onset of dolomitization can also be rapidly documented with CL .
7 The ego 's tactics towards fitness-maximisation can therefore be envisaged as conditioning primordial drives in line with external circumstances and a sense of self-identity or personal defence .
8 At this stage , most if not all expert systems can not be used by naive users ; a reasonable general knowledge of the area of expertise covered by the system ( its knowledge domain ) is essential if the output produced is to be taken seriously , just as the scope , limitations and difficulties presented by a new piece of legislation can only be predicted with any certainty by a lawyer and , even then , not always correctly .
9 The effect of intermittency can thus be seen in , for example , Figs 3.11 , 18.9(b) and ( e ) , and 21.6 .
10 The existence and magnitude of a beneficial effect of treatment can usually be determined by meta-analyses of unbiased trials , such as that of the treatment of early breast cancer .
11 In an age so dependent on the horse , the depth and width of interest can barely be exaggerated .
12 This account , whose origins in German Romanticism are obviously comparable to Marx 's , points to the subsequent difficulty for Marxism itself : the lost ‘ spontaneous ’ totality of being can never be retrieved .
13 Patients infected with cytomegalovirus had significantly more frequent dysphagia , abdominal pain , weight loss , and diarrhoea , and a significant association with diarrhoea can also be inferred from two earlier studies .
14 The contrast between the bare and to infinitive constructions with bid can therefore be stated in terms of whether compliance is taken for granted or not .
15 The points of divergence in perspective can broadly be summarized by the facts that :
16 The diagnosis of gonorrhoea in man can thus be confirmed in the majority of cases within the time it takes to stain and examine a slide of urethral discharge from the penis — a matter of some fifteen or twenty minutes .
17 The average torque per phase can then be found by averaging the instantaneous torque over one cycle — This method can be repeated for each excitation scheme to give an exact expression for the pull-out torque in terms of phase current and inductance .
18 It also means that the real value of the redemption payment will vary according to the rate of inflation during the last eight months ' life of a bond and so calculations of real yields to redemption can only be made on the basis of assumed rates of inflation .
19 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the key to short-termism can often be found in the contracts which senior executives and directors write for themselves , concentrating on achieving short-term profit objectives to sustain a share price ?
20 Those who wonder whether the hire of labour by capital can ever be a feature of authentic co-operation may not be , even though the employing capital is owned by the Consumers ' Movement .
21 As for worship , or religious observance as the legislation calls it , I agree entirely with Marjorie B Clark that ‘ compulsory acts of worship can never be educationally justified ’ .
22 Finally , perhaps this change of mood can only be explained in the wider context of gradual changes in government policy on the inner city and UDCs — the emergence of a ‘ new realism ’ tempering the policies and rhetoric of the radical right .
23 Its change of direction can also be derived simply s follows .
24 Thermal expansion of a liquid without change of phase can then be regarded as an increase in free volume .
25 GOVERNMENT STANDARD SPENDING GRANT : The amount of Standard Spending Grant ( Otherwise known as Revenue Support Grant ) for each area is calculated on the basis that ( subject to the effect of the safety net ) a standard level of service can broadly be provided everywhere in England for the same community charge — this year £278 .
26 A certain level of contamination can therefore be tolerated .
27 This kind of simple redundancy occurs widely in databases and a significant level of compression can thereby be achieved through little more than an exercise of commonsense and ingenuity .
28 The correct level of representation can then be chosen to fit the needs of the particular work in hand .
29 This kind of blow-over can only be avoided by manning the glider all the time or by tying it down with pickets , preferably with the wings level and all its control surfaces locked to prevent them flapping against their stops .
30 This kind of committee can either be permanent or appointed for a special purpose .
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