Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They prepare prisoners for life back in the community by allowing them to work outside and occasionally take home leave .
2 Here above all he or she has to organize as far as possible a staff consensus , to present it to the governors and to explain any requests for modification back to the staff — and then if necessary to carry out the modification .
3 Third , QC , as Chairman of the Race Relations Committee , is channelling all requests for reconsideration back to the CLE .
4 Both of them were successful in squeezing money for Education out of the Treasury , although Crosland was forced to do so in a very much more bleak economic climate .
5 The flight originated at Navy Dallas , Grand Prairie , Texas , for an IFR cross-country flight to Washington , D.C. The flight crew could not rotate the aircraft for lift off during the takeoff roll on Runway 17 , 8,000 feet in length .
6 Unlike the demands for time off from the farm , which is normally at short notice , the request for release for training courses could be made well in advance .
7 Regeneration of energy back into the industry was healthy and it created jobs for young people in the industry ’ .
8 The loss of personality along with the total loss of short-term memory is very exhausting to live with .
9 1.56 If it is a fatal accident case , full details of the dependants and the loss of dependency up to the date of the application must be included .
10 Mrs McDougall was in her kitchen taking a batch of bread out of the oven .
11 As they rode cautiously along , Fenella caught glimpses of movement in between the trees .
12 One former Edinburgh male compositor who worked at Constable 's told me in a letter that " we as apprentices … used to help the ladies by lifting the formes of type on to the stones , so as they could do corrections , and lift them down " It could in fact have perfectly well been done by a strong woman or by two women cooperating , and in any case took very little time .
13 We slept out on the last fields , leaving the 90 zigzags of path up to the plateau for the next day .
14 This explained why it had not been possible to get four separate channels of sound out of the record .
15 The human females were taking trays of food out of the wall .
16 Her ability to achieve consensus in sensitive decisions was never at the price of individual promise or doctrinaire cost-cutting , and she was a resolute opponent of any moves to take books of quality out of the teaching of English .
17 I 've got a knackered left arm where the car went over it ; they took a piece of bone out of the shoulder , so there 'll need to be a lot of physio on it .
18 I put the piece of meat back into the mess tin .
19 He threw a piece of paper on to the floor .
20 They squeezed into the little , bright cubicle and Keith put a piece of paper down on the shelf .
21 h ) If the machine is a Silver Reed or Knitmaster : Put a tiny piece of vaseline on to the lever attached to the back of the machine that trips the lever that the punchcard rotates on .
22 Harvey got a piece of canvas out of the front of the car and then pike took his overcoat off and they wrapped the coat into the canvas and strapped it up very tight on a long strap , the other end of which they fixed to the belt of Ralph pike 's overalls .
23 , Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council has announced plans to take more than 3,000 acres of land out of the green belt in order to facilitate economic regeneration in the area .
24 All I had to show for it , as I mopped my brow , were sympathetic words of congratulation back in the pavilion — and the club 's Cricketer of the Year award .
25 Mick Feeney , a Barlinnie delegate , seconding the motion , said : ‘ The unit was of great benefit to the service because we could get the ringleaders of trouble out of the system for a while .
26 The concept reared up fully formed : the sparkling snowflake of Steel City fragmenting from the hub of fire , spilling bodies into vacuum , the debris plunging flaming spears of fall-out on to the dense towns of Earth .
27 If we sample one of these cavities in which the process is er which produce boils er are going on , almost inevitably we find this organism staphylococcusorius and offspotulates have been clearly fulfilled with organism and this disease most notably by a bunch of of medical students who are subjected to all sorts of tortures by their professor of microbiology back in the nineteen fifties .
28 As the ash dries hard it is dug out for sale for the construction industry , yet another habitat is created With the layers of rock compacted over millions of years , this soft ash forms perfect artificial gifts for burrowing animals like rabbits For this young fox , what better place to practise digging than a soft cliff of ash , watched nervously by potential lunch Another predator not necessarily fond of the ash , but very keen on the animals that it attracts , is the polecat ferret Once used by poachers many of these agile hunters are now wild and range freely over the rough ground near power stations in search of prey Round at the top of the ash are the nest borrows of one of Britain 's rarest bird , the sand martin the monitor of this power station has ensured special in there so the birds can find ideal nest sites .
29 Guards should properly refer to ‘ switching on the darks ’ , since what they call lights seem expressly designed to suck all traces of illumination out of the carriage , casting shadows into every corner .
30 They all had a meal together , then , as the September evening was warm , Ken Stevens wheeled Jennifer 's wheelchair outside and Valerie carried a tray of coffee on to the patio .
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