Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [be] [vb pp] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Another advantage is , and this is another case for being put in one of these hyperbaric oxygen chambers , if you 've got erm an anaerobic infection .
2 It hit Hawaii fifteen hours later , wrecking boats and beaches , ruining the Waikiki tourist trade ; and twenty-four hours after being triggered in southern Chile , it hit Japan , 10,000 miles north .
3 The government was also anxious to protect the interests of some 2,000 British citizens living in Iraq , including Parish and Ian Richter , a businessman serving a life sentence after being convicted in 1987 of corruption .
4 Police fear that IRA bombers based in Britain are training their sights on other major cities after being foiled in three recent attempts to bomb London .
5 The town in North Bohemia , one of Europe 's most environmentally devastated regions , declared an emergency last Friday after being engulfed in dense , sulphurous smog for days .
6 1001 Ways to Save the Planet deserves to experience the irony of being consumed in vast quantities — and it 's interesting that Penguin has been willing to launch it towards a mass readership sheathed in a determinedly dowdy recycled cover .
7 This suggestion seemed to prevent the second law of thermodynamics from being violated in most situations .
8 These include the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church , the Churches of Christ , the Wild Goose Songs of the Iona Community and the ‘ charismatic ’ hymns and songs to be found in all denominations .
9 These could actually be used as two separate windings driving separate supply circuits , but it would be very unusual for a transformer to be used in this way .
10 While there is still a great deal to be done in both these fields , there are few people who are unaware of the terms and what they mean .
11 It is not simply a general or universal awareness of God , though it gathers up and refines the more general consciousness to be found in other religions and at the very core of human existence as such .
12 Chris Phillipson , for example , recognizing the precedents to be found in earlier centuries , and acknowledging the ‘ historical consistency ’ of attitudes to older people as a reserve army of labour , maintains , nevertheless , that ‘ what is peculiar to our period is the scale of marginalization and the increase in the number of people directly involved ’ .
13 They seem to have taken over from the large black dogs with glowing red eyes to be found in most local folklore collections .
14 Consideration of the Commission 's proposal for the telematics programme by both the European Parliament and the advisory bodies to the Research Council is going on apace and it is hoped that this programme will be one of the first from the third Framework programme to be adopted in 1991 .
15 In July he succeeded in settling two years ' disruption at heavy labour cost ( 26 per cent ) and in his all-too-brief career he also announced a 5.9 trillion lire investment programme to be completed in 1995 , divided between fleet expansion ( 3.4 trillion lire ) and ground upgrading .
16 There must be many opportunities for user-friendly GIS to be employed in these kinds of scenarios , either as special-purpose systems or by employing proprietary GIS packages with easy-to-use macros .
17 It is difficult for conceptually sound research to be conducted in such an environment .
18 That one of Beonna 's moneyers , Wilred , went on to mint coins for Offa , however , may imply a somewhat earlier date for some at least of Offa 's East Anglian coins , and Offa 's position in East Anglia was already secure enough for the East Anglian bishoprics of Dommoc and Elmham to be included in 787 in the new archdiocese of Lichfield ( see below , p. 174 ) .
19 The banking service allows funds to be deposited in numerous foreign currencies as well as the dollar , and the conversion rates charged to customers are lower than those of commercial bank or exchange centres .
20 The decision allowed for the funds to be released in full if the FMLN ( i ) refused to participate or show " good faith " in peace negotiations ; ( ii ) jeopardized the constitutional government by a military offensive ; ( iii ) assassinated or abducted civilians ; or ( iv ) continued to receive substantial military assistance from abroad .
21 Peking ordered the opium importers to be expelled in 1836 , but Jardine , the most influential British figure at Canton , refused to leave .
22 The elements of the area of study to be tested in each assignment ie. students ' knowledge and competences .
23 MPower 's SharedWhiteBoard enables shared images to be annotated in real time , Audio Editor enables users to create , playback and mail audio files and annotate text files with audio playback ; DeskScan/UX is for scanning , viewing , manipulating for scale , brightness and contrast , storing and printing high-resolution colour and monochrome images ; Multimedia Mailer electronically mails audio , image and video frames and FAX-UX sends and receives facsimile messages ; ImageView views graphics images , including facsimile , saves video frames and full-colour PostScript files while PostScript Viewer views PostScript-based objects .
24 In general we value goods with a price , and devalue the ‘ free lunch ’ , but it is possible for some institutions and professional and personal relationships to be viewed in different terms .
25 Yet in tackling the nastier aspects to be seen in British trade unionism by the late 1970s , the Government itself has adopted an equally obnoxious bullying style that is characteristic of much of its activities .
26 Furthermore , most 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin dose schedules have a high incidence of severe gastrointestinal side effects and may thus interfere with the patients ' quality of life , one of the most important aspects to be considered in palliative treatment .
27 I consider that programme to be by far the best report on the effects of screen violence to be shown in recent years .
28 An encouraging development is that the opportunity has been given for a submission to be made in early autumn on behalf of the preserved railway movement to the House of Commons Select Committee which will be dealing with the Government 's privatisation proposals .
29 The tendency of second homes to be clustered in specific pleasant rural locations is probably the characteristic that exaggerates their significance .
30 They are summarized in Table 1 with examples given of the types of outputs to be expected in each of the categories .
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