Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pron] is [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It can be argued that the art of the actor is but a sophisticated reflection of what occurs in all human action : a struggle between what is privately felt and symbolically controlled ( using ‘ symbolic ’ in the sense of the ‘ public language ’ of number , words , gesture and sound , etc. ) , a perpetual state of disequilibrium between personalising and objectifying .
2 Had we known about them we might have paid more attention to the findings of the crime survey which suggested a quite extraordinary level of public support for what is now dismissed as the ‘ political rhetoric ’ of the social worker .
3 I regard the father 's promise in this case as what is sometimes called a unilateral contract , a promise in return for an act , a promise by the father to pay £1 per week in return for the mother 's looking after the child .
4 Clearly the whole point of the exchange , namely a request for specific information and an attempt to provide as much of that information as possible , is not directly expressed in ( 2 ) at all ; so the gap between what is literally said in ( 2 ) and what is conveyed in ( 3 ) is so substantial that we can not expect a semantic theory to provide more than a small part of an account of how we communicate using language .
5 Dawkins ( 1976 , 1978 ) has argued strongly that considering the individual animal as the unit of selection is a form of shorthand for what is actually selected down the generations is the gene , or over short time spans , groups of associated genes .
6 This is a broad , catch-all term which ‘ gatecrashed the literature , thereby avoiding the entrance fee of a definition ’ ( Blackaby , 1979 , p. 2 ) ; the question of definitions is taken up in Chapter 2 but for the moment it is important to note that it is a misleading term for it is often used to describe the relative decline of manufacturing industry rather than industry as a whole which includes primary industries like mining , quarrying and oil and gas production and also includes construction and transport .
7 The great red bulk of what is popularly known as the ‘ Caley ’ Hotel , dominates the West End .
8 It should be emphasised , however , that although in a sense Spinoza recommends the ethical precepts he endorses to each of us as what we will accept if we act with a view to our own best interest , these best interests are conceived in a way which is very far removed from the goals of what is commonly called egoism .
9 The computer holds the microprograms in what is normally referred to as a control store .
10 Which also means your current investment in IT is fully protected .
11 The entrance to it is now covered over , and beside it there is a memorial inscription to Loubens and to another speleologist who has been killed there since .
12 One reason for this slow recognition may have been doubt about the term itself and confusion concerning what is actually meant ( Dean et al . ,
13 That itself is some forty million pounds below the association of Welsh counties assessment of what is actually needed to meet the needs of the community and it is in any event not available for general spending .
14 If it is the case that what teachers need to know , and to experience , can not be continued within the limits of available time , then either that time must be extended , or some part of what is traditionally included must be curtailed or omitted or postponed to in-service training .
15 It must be stressed , in this connection , that the ‘ poetic ’ text in question is not necessarily a part of what is normally described as poetry , but can be any form of literature that possesses aesthetic or artistic properties .
16 What occasions might be suitable , however , are not clearly apparent , and are certainly not part of what is conventionally regarded as diagnosis and/or medical decision-making .
17 Of course , my attitude may stem from my having certain beliefs , but these beliefs are not part of what is actually expressed by the sentence , and do not pertain to that which someone else must share with me , in order for it to be logically proper for him to assent to my sentence .
18 We are a high-consumption society and we have got to conserve the national resource and make sure that every part of it is effectively used .
19 It is also the more comfortable type of sprung mattress since each part of you is independently supported .
20 The major portion of the consumption of energy over the past 100 years has been due to the industrialisation of what is now called the Developed World .
21 In both cases we seem to be dealing with a subordinated racism which becomes ‘ common sense ’ as a result of its articulation through a dominant but non-racist ideology of competitive individualism — a situation which is the exact opposite of what is normally argued !
22 At the heart of what is commonly called the Anglican tradition of church music are the cathedrals , collegiate and choral foundations and Royal Peculiars of the Church of England .
23 It involves detailed description of what is actually said and done by the participants .
24 With The Cook , The Thief , His Wife And Her Lover ( 18 ) he has made a few changes , but certain basic principles hold good : the look of everything is still turned into art history , and the meaning of everything is still turned into nothing , a nothing that sometimes seems despairing and sometimes only smug .
25 The popularity of the area , which attracts some 2000 hired boats and 3000 private craft in the summer months ( Crawford 1985 ) , is gradually causing the impoverishment of what is generally considered to be one of Britain 's most attractive wetland areas .
26 Defenders of camp and machismo point out that they are parodic critiques — in the first case of what is allegedly insulted ( femininity ) , in the second of what is allegedly aped ( masculinity ) .
27 Sports doctors at a conference in Austria have concluded that female competitors produce better results in sport after what is daintily referred to as a ‘ turbulent amorous event ’ .
28 In 1568 Matthew Parker , Archbishop of Canterbury , published a revision of what is usually known as the Great Bible , of nearly thirty years earlier .
29 This is an enormous area to consider briefly because it touches on the central issue of what is sometimes called ‘ the second industrial revolution ’ and , more precisely , on the relationship between labour and technological change .
30 To cause minimum inconvenience to the locals , the flight commander calls an end to the tactical phase of the exercise and we begin a climb from What is colloquially known as the ‘ weedosphere ’ up to the dizzy height of 1,000 feet .
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