Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pron] [conj] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I thought , and then I happened to go , Jim came to carry the fruit and vegetables for me and when it had opened again , and there was she with this , I looked at Jim and I said ah !
2 He said , " I 've talked to Mum about it and if you do n't want to get married then no one is going to force you to .
3 I think he had a little corner in his heart for me but if we had got together and he had gone off with someone else I could n't have stood the hurt and humiliation .
4 Kraal was inclined to say , fixing Woil with a glare and flexing his talons back and forth to make it clear that it was just as well there were three cages between them because if there were n't …
5 In fact there 's been some discussion of this lately , John Elston has argued that if jurors knew that that 's why they were chosen to go on the jury , it would destabilize the princi the practice of it because if you knew you were going on jury just for self-education rather than to get the right results out the other end , then this would n't give you any way of motivating yourself properly for the jury .
6 Well piece of 'em but if you 're only gon na be eating a piece it 's not gon na be big .
7 as you said the steps of it and that you will come back with your recommendations and that .
8 Another — and this is one of the most perfect sights in all cycling — is the silken action of one of those men who can sit perfectly still , hands lightly on top of the handlebars , and spin his legs beneath him as though their motions came from a quite different source of power .
9 And he got out of there fast , before she could see it , some masculine fear in him that if she knew how he felt she would use his vulnerability against him .
10 He ca n't see any harm in it but when I 've found him watching blue movies , I 've felt suicidal .
11 Acoustically , the KH has a promising blurry ring to it and although it 's not loud , due to the Floyd , it does seem to sustain particularly well .
12 It was a big disappointment to me that when I applied for the news editor 's job , I did n't get it .
13 During 1918 they met principally at Lord Derby 's breakfasts , from which Baldwin recorded impressions and interchanges which indicate both that the Prime Minister was a near stranger to him and that he was not above a little daring toadying .
14 Fonda read aloud a page of words to her and though his wife had never joined him in his LSD excursions , and marijuana made her sick , she understood from her husband 's descriptions of expanded-mind experiences and images the intensity of his feelings .
15 ‘ It was a character that I felt to be a very basic part of me and when I read it I had that immediate connection with him .
16 Someone who is so much a part of you that if you were separated you 'd no longer feel whole . ’
17 And the boss said , well you know he had n't got the work for him and and he could n't start then .
18 ‘ It 's going to be a tough test for us and if we can get a good result there it should bring the confidence right back . ’
19 ‘ I say to people to come and see Ireland for themselves because if they come they 'll never want to leave — like others who have been here from the North-East of England .
20 These kids was coming at us once and six of them grabbed hold of me and when I turned round all the others had fucked off and left me to get a kicking …
21 They 'd had a a lot of trouble er difficulty in getting hold of him and but they finally got him today and
22 I had heard that the lasses used to beat you up when you first got in and that the lesbians used to grab hold of you and that there was loads of violence and everything .
23 Nevertheless he maintained a friendly attitude towards me and after my initial difficulty made himself available whenever he was needed .
24 He may have agreed that if the goods were in existence he would acquire the ownership of them and if they were not in existence he would get nothing but that in either event he would pay the price .
25 As a boy Waugh had longed to go to Eton , which might have made a radical of him and where he might have met Orwell , and did not ; his first aristocratic wife left him after a year , and for an Etonian ; and his sojourns in a great Elizabethan house in Worcestershire as a young man , the guest of a friend , allowed him to glimpse a world of moats , battlements and rolling parkland from which in spirit he never awoke .
26 He would no more have thought of behaving as Harold Macmillan did in 1962 , and dismissing nearly a half of them as though they were junior executives in an ailing company , than it would have occurred to him to divorce his wife and marry one of his walking companions .
27 He said that he had his boss with him and that they would not wait longer than eight .
28 The bank knew that Mr. O'Brien was likely to have some influence on her and that she was likely to place some reliance on him and his business judgment .
29 I think there is an element of contrariness about them but if they were really honest with themselves deep down , I do n't think they would be happy if their records went in at number 150 and they were still playing The Bull And Gate .
30 ‘ Antonia told me she had been watching Mellor on TV in the run up to the General Election and said she had suddenly been taken over by this incredible desire for him and that she badly wanted to meet him .
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