Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pron] [prep] order [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He felt he was going to climax early and desperately tried to think of other things to take his mind off it in order to last until she was ready .
2 Harry MacAdoo , then the Church of Ireland archbishop of Dublin , on several occasions put forward the argument that Southern protestants were a minority group with their own culture and traditions , and thus deserved to have schools for themselves in order to hand on their own traditions .
3 They deliberately pick fault with everything in order to get a reduction on their bill .
4 ( If your luff is indeed flapping you need to pull the sail towards you in order to fill it with wind . )
5 But a woman , who , when her own needs are n't met , and when she 's slowly disintegrating , is not going to be able to give very much to the children , or give as much as she could , so it makes sense , if she 's really concerned about those children , that she will put , quite often , her own needs above them in order to get her act together , so that she 's in control and feels good about what she 's doing so she 'll be able to give more .
6 In 1686 they declared war on him in order to establish a separate company state from which they could trade .
7 Recently we 'd been taking ten minutes a night off it in order to have more time in the pub .
8 The safety diver had clambered onto the iceberg , risking a tear in his suit and the possibility of tipping the iceberg over on top of himself in order to signal his presence in the deepening gloom .
9 A major producer of sales training films organises regional demonstrations of a selection of them in order to prove their quality to training managers .
10 There are some very important bits that we need to be making a a note of there , and many witnesses told lies against Jesus , but their stories did n't agree , they tried to find some evidence against him in order to put him to death Mark tells us , but they could n't find any .
11 The weights moved , tumbling over me like a cold sack of potatoes , and I eased my head round them in order to breathe .
12 His teachers were vastly impressed by his work , and drew the attention of William Yates of Liverpool to him in order to help Yates with his projected survey of the County Palatine of Lancaster .
13 Even if — which in some cases is a big ‘ if ’ — the patent system does not give away the vital clue to an innovative product of process , innovating enterprises now increasingly prefer to keep their knowledge to themselves in order to preserve their options on when , where and how to market it .
14 We also have to recognise that certain rhetorical strategies might be adopted for tactical reasons , especially the ploy of using one 's opponents ' arguments against them in order to discredit their position .
15 The ‘ state ’ thus becomes literally a bone of contention between opposed interests , both of whom want control over it in order to decide what precisely its role shall be and in whose interest the market shall be managed .
16 When society 's going well , then it gives you something to rebel against , but if life is crap you 've got to look after yourself and the people around you in order to survive . ’
17 ‘ I 'm not in line to go to bed with you in order to keep my job ! ’ she told him bluntly .
18 And I saw a hole in the bottom at the side of it where they had blasted a hole in it in order to sink it .
19 Paz Zamora responded by announcing that he was willing to face MNR impeachment proceedings against him in order to find a political solution to the crisis .
20 You will remember that on the occasion of the first valleys initiative statement we had to raise many points with you in order to persuade the right Hon. Gentleman to come here 24 hours after he had made a statement in Wales .
21 A workshop , lecture demonstration and video presentation showing how Bharata Matyam is finding innovation within itself in order to reach a wider international audience .
22 Indeed , even honesty is a mere legal concept now , rather than a moral one , as they undertake to hide important information from us in order to borrow as cheaply as possible , while they lend at the highest practicable rate .
23 Once the police have arrested you , or so it seemed to us , they will throw the book at you in order to make something stick .
24 He seemed intent now on pushing to see how far he could go and she appeared willing to give way in everything in order to pacify .
25 How we collect this information will certainly affect how well we can draw inferences from it in order to modify and improve the unit .
26 The more varied or diversified the business of the client , and the larger the amount of insurance to be placed , the more likely it is that he will look around the market for himself in order to obtain the best terms .
27 At the same time he was busy courting his supporters amongst the Country Tories by playing on the theme of the " Church in Danger " , and his strategy appears to have been to unite the various dissident Tories behind him in order to oust Oxford from power , and then try to ensure that Tory political dominance was so unchallengeable that when George I became King he would be forced to work with them .
28 You need a lot of time to yourself in order to explore your dreams , rather than being pinned to the work place .
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