Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] world where the " in BNC.

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1 And this album continues that tradition , presenting a boggling variety of melody and pace , which , only once , on ‘ You Surround Me ’ , resorts to the awful ‘ Oxygene'-style bubbling rumble which passes for rhythm in the world where the programmer is king .
2 The Weltklasse Meeting , established in 1962 , in Zurich 's Leitzegrund Stadium is one of the truly great meetings of the world where the track and field stars always play to a large and enthusiastic audience of about 25,000 people .
3 There are obviously certain groups of people from whom there is a greater risk of catching a disease just as there are certain areas of the world where the prevalence of diseases is higher than others , but , wherever you are , it is the change of sexual partner that is the crucial risk-producing move .
4 The Royal Commission on Capital Punishment which reported in 1953 ( Cmnd. 5932 ) examined the experience of countries throughout the world where the death penalty has been abolished , restored , abolished again or where it existed in some parts and not in others .
5 There are now few areas in the world where the impact of the TNCs has not been researched by someone and good examples of this type of study are Kowaleski ( 1982 ) on the Caribbean , Onimode et al.
6 Britain must be one of the only countries in the world where the club members manhandle the two-seater gliders all the way out to the launch point .
7 A child in a world where the Angel had gone .
8 The only place in the world where the name ‘ Rapeman ’ was controversial was England ; everywhere else in the world it was of trivial importance .
9 There are few places in the world where the costs are higher than southern California .
10 The North Sea is the only body of water in the world where the incineration of toxic waste occurs .
11 A person , or their partner , is at increased risk if they have had high risk sex in regions of the world where the prevalence of HIV infection is greater than that in the UK .
12 New issues crowd in to join them : environmental management , repairing the damage which socialist concentration on heavy industry has inflicted on Eastern Europe , technological competition in a world where the struggle for economic supremacy is replacing the struggle for military security , migration and refugee flows on an vast scale .
13 Brazil may be the only country in the world where the top TV presenter for children 's programmes is a pouting , pulsating , scantily-dressed blonde .
14 There is now hardly a country in the world where the TNCs are not active in some form or another .
15 The airline for a world where the Wild West meets the Far East .
16 And the more valuable the book the greater the ultimate scandal , for it will probably end up on the shelves of libraries in other parts of the world where the literary culture of England is still prized .
17 Mr Beveridge told my colleague Bryan Rostron : ‘ I think from time to time one is brought in for overseas work in parts of the world where the old English system of justice still applies .
18 What is more , the Edwardian Era is recognised and recognisable in many parts of the world where the " zone fossil " never set foot .
19 In his Golden Bough Sir James Frazer had difficulty in making up his mind between the two rival theories of the fire-cults and fire-festivals which are found intimately connected with the agricultural year throughout those parts of the world where the sun is neither so bright nor so constant as in the cloudless skies of Egypt .
20 If true , it should follow that antral cancer would be more common and would occur at an early age in those parts of the world where the majority of the population already have serum antibodies to the organism before adult life .
21 Such conditions may well apply in other parts of the world where the relative availability and skills of both surgery and sclerotherapy may differ .
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