Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They have mixed views about the benefit of lights when driving in fog .
2 Two people are awaiting trial in connection with the attack , but 5 others , including Howard Banton , chief clerk for a firm of solicitors in the town , have appeared in court at Cheltenham , accused of conspiring to pervert the course of justice by plotting to persuade a witness to withdraw a statement .
3 Clearly , however , the needs we have identified at Stirling for the transmission of documents , images and so on are also arising at other sites — and between sites as well .
4 ‘ Designer ’ black became the epitome of good taste : a defence against true style and protection for a multitude of sins .
5 The main spending areas within the £13.4 billion budget for 1993-94 include £3.7 billion for health ; education will rise to £1.2 billion given the extra responsibility of funding all higher and further education in Scotland while £141 million will be made available for agriculture as a result of reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy .
6 Sessions should include attitude training , assertiveness training , and preparation for the counselling of victims of violent and abusive behaviour , both users of library services and staff members .
7 The desktop , or client , versions of Windows NT will be priced at £400 — $500 — on a per-unit basis , or £250 as an upgrade from Windows 3.1 or OS/2 .
8 The desktop , or client , versions of Windows NT will be priced at £400 — $500 — on a per-unit basis , or £250 as an upgrade from Windows 3.1 or OS/2 .
9 Notes for the guidance of centres on the procedure for applying for approval of programmes leading to the HCIMA Professional Certificate or Professional Diploma .
11 He and Chris tried to steer a middle course during the ritual of drinks before dinner and the meal that followed .
12 Moreover , while Phizacklea and Miles believe that changes in the material circumstances of the working class can provide only a partial solution to the problem of racist ideologies , the political project of the transformation of capitalism and working-class conditions advocated by Hatcher and Shall ice ( and other left antiracists in education ) squeezes out of consideration the rather important caveat entered by Phizacklea and Miles about the prospects for change in racist ideologies as a result of changes in the material base .
13 In cells that are oscillating , the magnitude of this influx component through second messenger-operated channels is often rather small and has little effect on the intracellular level of calcium during the interval between spikes , mainly because it is rapidly sequestered by the internal stores .
14 Accusations of corruption had been levelled against Ibrahim for a number of years , and in May President Gayoom yielded to demands that the State Trading Organization ( STO ) , which was under Ibrahim 's control , be investigated for evidence of corruption .
15 The net result of Honderich 's weakness as an historian of ideas is that his book slips into confusion .
16 Besides the varying effects caused by such economic factors as supply and demand , the basic soil conditions of particular areas provided more fundamental reasons for a range of types of farming .
17 The 1992 accounts are due to be published shortly , and the company has agreed to ‘ provide fuller information about a number of accounting policies ’ , including the background and reasons for a transfer to reserves and the non-depreciation of properties described as leasehold and lease rentals .
18 Recently , the BAG handed down a decision ( 4ASR 293/91 ) in which it stated that there were no justifiable reasons for a differential in wages .
19 There are obviously many reasons for the conjunction of forces which produced its institutions and these must include the Reithian spirit ( described above ) , a political system secure enough to grant broadcasting a relatively free hand and the absence ( or the negation ! ) of deep social divisions .
20 This is one of the reasons for the choice of hymns and other music being so often limited to a few old war-horses .
21 The first six paragraphs described events leading to the setting up of the Select Committee and the reasons for the choice of witnesses .
22 The main parties also agreed on constitutional changes to stem the influx of immigrants , one of the main reasons for the rise in attacks on foreigners .
23 Two external factors suggest possible reasons for the increase in numbers .
24 Two external factors suggest possible reasons for the increase in numbers .
25 There were , suggested David Rees , three reasons for the growth in numbers :
26 There are other reasons for the predominance of women carers , even after retirement .
27 Indeed one of the main reasons for the failure of Marxists to make headway amongst the Latin American working classes is that labour organisations in many of these countries were originally the creation of the state .
28 The length of nails , in relation to the thickness of the wood they are to go through , can be discussed and reasons for the protrusion of nails arrived at .
29 If we wish to fulfil Charles Darwin 's ambition of understanding the reasons for the distribution of differences between the sexes , we shall need to examine the causes of variation in lifetime breeding success among males and females in natural populations .
30 Changes in social and commercial conditions , and changes in the moral values of the community , mean that the Courts will not always find the same reasons for the enforcement of promises to be good today as their forbears did ; equally it is likely that they will often find good reasons for the enforcement of promises where their predecessors did not .
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