Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] for [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sun continues to say it will use the chip but it 's kind of hard for them to say where definitively until there 's working silicon .
2 it was kind of hard for them to pay it and that 's were it came in that the people who actually had the black book would lose out on their dividend because their dividend would be used to pay what was owed by other people .
3 She was supposed to be on holiday anyhow , for goodness ' sake , so there was absolutely no need at all for her to rush home .
4 He lifted her face , his lips moving over her skin hungrily , and the sensuous pleasure was there at once with no need at all for him to arouse her .
5 For there was absolutely no need at all for him to walk so close to where she was walking or to bump into her and so catch her off balance — the end result being that he had his arms around her , as if to save her , before she could stop him .
6 There was no need at all for you to follow me here . ’
7 Held , ( 1 ) that section 18(1) and ( 2 ) authorised an order for payment by the board of that part of the costs of the proceedings determined in the defendant 's favour incurred by him personally at any time when he was not receiving legal aid and was thus an unassisted person ; that , accordingly , the House had jurisdiction under the section to order payment by the board of the defendant 's costs incurred before the issue of his legal aid certificate ; and that the appropriate course was to adjourn the defendant 's application under regulation 143 of the Regulations of 1989 for him to pursue his claim in accordance with regulation 147 ( post , pp. 199G , 201A–B , E , H — 202A , 203B–D ) .
8 But I 've packed up a bundle of bedding — towels — things like that for you to use in the meantime . ’
9 Because they phone me up and said , Look we needed another half a page in this for us to get another hundred pound .
10 Without any ends at all for which to survive life would be , in the strict sense of the words , not worth living , and on this boat a few decencies preserved without regard for consequences would be the last ends left which he values for themselves .
11 Okay let's have a look at that I 'll tell what we 'll do I 'll I 'll suggest a couple of exercises in that for you to work through .
12 So straightaway there there is absolutely no reason at all for me to have a long barrelled weapon
13 By ! there 'll never again be a year like this for you to get your teeth into . ’
14 Our dilemma is that it speaks of a level of separation from the world , the flesh and human reality which has already proved far too harmful to the churches in general and for women in particular for us to consider returning to it .
15 I mean if I tell you where I want dug over , then if you 're not working at the weekend , we can umm dig everything over and then , cos I mean that area down there , it would take no time at all for you to pave .
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