Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] [adv] of the " in BNC.

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1 Laurie Degnan has watched his youngsters take national junior boxing titles for nine out of the last ten years .
2 And then what would we do with so that 's the first pizza that 's dealt with and they got a piece like that out of the first one .
3 From 1559 until 1584 , years of almost unbroken peace , direct taxation from laity and clergy rose above £20,000 in sixteen out of the twenty-three years for which figures are available .
4 The possible effect from 1994–5 onwards of the lifting of the cap on QR income has encouraged the University to prepare plans which , if its assumptions about future funding levels are realised , will allow it to reinforce the physical infrastructure of the University as well as funding academic developments , while bringing the Income and Expenditure Account back into a cumulative surplus by 31 July 1996 .
5 The weapon has a strength of 4 , a range of 40″ and an armour save modifier of -2 instead of the usual -1 because of the power of gunpowder weapons .
6 It considered whether the definition of sexual intercourse should be expanded in the case of the relatively insignificant offence of taking an unmarried girl of 18 out of the possession of her parent with intent to have sexual intercourse , and concluded that little would be achieved by doing so .
7 ‘ I have been leading scorer at Boro for five out of the last seven seasons — but it has become a way of life to be talked about as the player who is leaving or out of the team .
8 And they had the , the erm they had sort of five out of the five or six horses that I thought were in with a good chance at eight to one .
9 The committee now had a membership of 27 instead of the 26 previously .
10 ‘ It having been stated to Samuel Whitbread Esq. , and to me … that Mary Flint , now in the Bedford Infirmary , is in danger of death in consequence of the wounds and injuries which she received from you , we intend to take her examination at the said Infirmary on Tuesday 8th October inst. at 1 o'clock of the afternoon of which I give you this notice that you may if you think proper be present . ’
11 This has been the case with three out of the past four successful Labour by-election candidates : a slow but novel way for Mr Kinnock to stamp out dissent in his parliamentary party .
12 Dark Peak Aircraft Wrecks 2 ( Pen and Sword Books Ltd , 192pp , illus , sbk , £9.95 ) by Ron Collier tells the stories of 26 out of the 50 aircraft that have crashed in the Dark Peak area of the peak District National Park over the past 60 years .
13 I took the wad of twenties out of the bag and stuffed them into the back pocket of my jeans .
14 Since whatever admissions criteria are adopted the selection of some only of the applicants will necessarily result in defeating the parental preference of those who are rejected , what reason is there for Parliament to object to any given set of criteria being adopted ?
15 This coverage was epitomised by a photograph of a demonstrator appearing to kick a policeman in the head , featured on the front pages of seven out of the ten newspapers analysed .
16 The institutions themselves succeeded in raising fifty per cent of the price of eleven out of the eighteen drawings and the support of the National Art Collections Fund , the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the Foundation for Sport and the Arts has been crucial in raising most of the remaining moneys required .
17 Let the Corporation stick to stories like this instead of the usual rubbishy old American ( or British ) films .
18 Provisional indicators from the institute 's latest bi-monthly survey based on the first batch of replies from 170 out of the 300 normally canvassed were rushed out after being swiftly analysed yesterday morning by consultants Taylor Nelson .
19 The poll based on replies from 431 out of the 574 members of the General Synod was carried out during October .
20 Before leading a protest outside the Scottish Office , the Scottish Trades Union Congress general secretary , Campbell Christie , said unemployment was now at its highest level for almost four years , with the official figures showing a rise in 13 out of the last 14 months .
21 Produces the leading brand of Scotch whisky in eight out of the top fifteen markets in the world .
22 Over 520 members replied to the survey questionnaire which represented a response from 200 out of the 250 boards .
23 Although lay delegates had been tried before — in the 1290s , for example — the frequency of their presence in six out of the last eleven assemblies of Edward III 's reign added a new ( and continuing ) dimension to convocation .
24 He confirmed the view that among perfectly ordinary people , who were neither Pharaohs nor priests , full brother-sister marriages occurred in a minimum of nine out of the 113 marriages he analysed , If the less certain cases are also included along with marriages between half-siblings , the proportion of incestuous marriages was of the order of 20% .
25 Just a wee drop of that instead of the ice-cream
26 The crimes of detaining a woman against her will with the intention that she shall marry or have unlawful sexual intercourse , and taking an unmarried girl under the age of 18 out of the possession of her parent or guardian with intent that she shall have sexual intercourse , are restricted in the same fashion .
27 Each one of the forty women made some attempt to complete the test , though the number of statements made varied from three to eleven , with an average of 8.03 out of the desired ten per respondent .
28 However , they did find that the APT correctly predicted the risk-free rate in 6 out of the 7 portfolios .
29 Although the University as a whole was 0.2% above GB average , it fell below average in 3 out of the 5 categories and received no additional numbers in Humanities , Social Sciences or Engineering .
30 Someone with the £10,000 maximum , assuming average luck , can expect to collect a prize in 11 out of the 12 monthly draws each year — a return of about 6.5 per cent .
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