Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] over [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The agreement was aimed at meeting demands for more openness over EC operations and less intrusion .
2 When , after notable delays , the first Free French representative , Jean Sainteny , arrived in Hanoi from Kunming he had apparently already been informed by his travelling companion , Major Archimedes Patti of the American OSS , that as the Potsdam agreement made no mention of French sovereignty over Vietnam the French therefore had no right to intervene in affairs which were no longer their concern .
3 But do n't worry too much about the massive effect of these clouds over Arizona ; these are local and temporary , produced while the cloud was compact and before it spread to produce a much smaller effect over a much bigger area .
4 His choice of Indonesia , as opposed to the United Kingdom or the USA , as his first foreign destination was controversial in the light of widespread concern over Indonesia 's human rights record .
5 You want me to go jumping out of Dorniers again at five thousand feet in the dark like last time over Ireland and you try to hand me that kind of bollocks . ’
6 The top station has a large revolving restaurant and a sun terrace with wonderful views over Switzerland , including the Eiger , Monch and Jungfrau mountains .
7 The advantage of this work over Bristol-Myers Squibb is also trying to semi-synthesise the chemical from 10-DAB 111 , the yew chemical .
8 The advantage of this scheme over RFS is that ions are detected rather than photons and there are no background problems from scattered photons .
9 The UDC 's first pamphlet , written by Morel , was unequivocal in asserting the necessity of military victory over Germany if Belgian sovereignty was to be restored .
10 The President was perturbed at the signs of Russian obduracy over Poland but felt that cooperation with Moscow could be preserved if the correct blend of firmness and concession was applied .
11 In February 1951 , a huge rally in support of Spanish sovereignty over Gibraltar was staged in Barcelona , and Franco declared 4 August " Gibraltar Day " .
12 Case of high anxiety over Harvard 's ‘ kinky shrink ’
13 Press reports said that a proposal for joint sovereignty over Gibraltar was discussed , but there was no official confirmation .
14 After all , ITN 's bulletins have made no attempts to deceive us about the influence of Iraqi minders over Sadler 's reports .
15 It was at those times , or times like the present as they went about the health-care tasks that were now so routine , that she most often brought up the question of this campaign over Tom .
16 Leeds ' manager Howard Wilkinson after 2-1 win over Plymouth .
17 Meanwhile , in the Doubles final Ian McClure was heading for his second Irish title when he built up a 19-6 lead after 13 ends over James Talbot and Michael Nutt of Old Bleach .
18 Meanwhile the German fighter pilots were making their own claims ; Lt.Willi Kothmann of I/JG 27 claimed one Hurricane at 1700 ( probably Ayre ) , the only claim to be made by pilots of this unit over Malta during 1941. 7/JG 26 then arrived and Fw .
19 The 1840 Treaty , signed between the British Crown and the Maori chiefs , marked the formal establishment of British sovereignty over New Zealand , and was seen by many modern Maoris ( who comprised more than 10 per cent of the current population of 3,200,000 ) as the symbolic beginning of a process whereby their culture and status had been systematically undermined .
20 From the time of the re-establishment of Serbian rule over Kosovo in 1878 , the Albanian population of the province was persecuted , and throughout the interwar period their hostility to Serbian rule continued to mount .
21 OpenServer 400 1.4 uses the RFC 1006 Internet standard that specifies the transport of OSI applications over TCP/IP networks .
22 However , in 1898 , when America went to war with Catholic Spain over Cuba , international arbitration was forgotten and English Nonconformists were united in their support for Protestant America .
23 In 1859 he went to the brink of war with American troops over San Juan Island , despite his council 's urging restraint .
24 Müncheberg himself , promoted and highly-decorated , would fall in combat with American fighters over Tunisia during March 1943 after his 135th. victory .
25 All in all , Anglo-Iranian was seen as a major tool in British control over Iran .
26 On a ridge with fine prospects over Edinburgh , the Pentlands and the Firth of Forth are outcrops and boulders with the stylized incisions of circles , cup shapes and concentric grooves which appear at ritual sites in many countries from Ireland to India , and in especially large numbers in Scotland .
27 Glasgow High/Kelvinside pick up the McEwan 's club of the month award for October after huge victories over Glasgow Accies , Queens University Belfast , Kilmarnock and Stewart's-Melville FP .
28 But whether the engine in question is a model Newcomen in Glasgow University , or a warp-drive in geostationary orbit over Barnard 's Star Six , the hand on the spanner could hardly be anything but home-grown and very likely , Clyde-built .
29 The Messerschmitts were back on 24th. , four of them attacking a flight of patrolling Hurricanes over Imtarfa .
30 The answer in this case was the arrival of warm air and its combination with an area of low pressure over Britain .
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