Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [verb] up [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 that 's just they 're the people I 'm going to interview okay then you 've got example yesterday at approximately nine twenty Bacon 's technical college at went up in a barrage of smoke taking one life which is believed to be that of the caretaker who was having a last minute check before leaving the building in the evening .
2 When they immediately reacted with their automatic alarm response of rolling up into a tight ball , the entire family promptly rolled down the slope of the hill and came to rest at the man 's feet , where he picked them up and popped them into his collecting bag .
3 But we 're concentrating this week and next week on the advocacy skill of standing up before a court .
4 The EC dragged its feet before coming up with a reluctant and minimal proposal to reform farm trade .
5 Similarly , some couples assiduously hang on to a sexual problem as a defence against facing up to a much wider problem in their marriage .
6 Telephone advice work , often regarded as difficult , has to be tackled and the possible need for follow up with a home visit puts additional strain on rural bureaux .
7 Her only son died aged 23 while a Japanese prisoner of war after joining up as a volunteer instead of pursuing his exempt profession as a metallurgical chemist .
8 Because it was an old age woman , they ai n't give anyone 's names old age woman was er it was in the paper sort of met up with an intruder in her house like .
9 The whole idea of erm a fax is to get the thing there quickly is n't it ? if it 's sort of sitting up on a desk for three days before they bring it down .
10 And then , on the bottom of page sixteen and through on to seventeen is addressing the point that , also within the guideline , we have been asked , we 've been asked as a Committee , to look at the implications of finding up to a further two hundred and fifty thousand pounds ' worth of reductions .
11 The male can maintain a fairly equable distribution of grooming up to a harem size of five females .
12 Clearly , unless these features are defined with precision , there is a danger of ending up with a tautological explanation : what is recent must also be novel because it is recent .
13 Under the authorship of one of the Institute 's latest recruits , public transport travel consultant Barry S. Doe MCIT , ‘ Tickets , Trains and Timetables : The Impact of Privatisation on the Rail Network ’ warns that the country is in danger of ending up with an airline style ticketing system in which passengers wishing to travel outwards on one franchisee 's train but return home on another 's may have to pay a supplement up to the value of the full ‘ standard ’ fare .
14 She yawned , stretched herself , voluptuously enjoying the process of waking up to a lazy day .
15 It 's a struggle with young people , alongside them as they experience the pleasures and pains , the excitements and disappointments of growing up in a hostile world .
16 They have apparently prevented the graft-versus-host reaction from starting up in a number of patients who have received bone-marrow transplants .
17 Check your existing lender 's redemption charge before signing up for a replacement loan .
18 A fast stage-coach could now cover over a hundred miles in a single day , good roads and weather permitting , though comfort was not necessarily to be looked for and there was an outside chance of ending up with a foul-mouthed and drunken coachman for the length of the journey .
19 But we do respect her bravery in standing up against a dreadful regime .
20 Contract tummy muscles before coming up in a controlled manner , exhaling as effort is made .
21 They had to taste more than a hundred and thirty wines before coming up with a winner .
22 After a cautious start , Wharton , at 24 , a year younger than the Australian , took his time in the first three minutes before opening up with a series of punches in the next three rounds .
23 One common kind is the pill woodlouse ( Armadillidium ) which is easily identified by its habit of rolling up into a ball when it is touched .
24 So I think you 've , both those questions have got ta be addressed by the , the unions that the s , that the , the second one in terms of turning up on a Saturday .
25 Your boffins should n't have too much trouble in coming up with a name . ’
26 From thence he fled to France , escaping detection by dressing up as a servant .
27 Paddling out at real Waimea was the equivalent of squaring up to an over from Harold Larwood and finding you had forgotten your box and pads .
28 The point is here that he has mentioned in his press release a number of okay local people , and by doing this in this particular way he has greatly increased the possibility and probability of ending up with a piece in the local newspaper .
29 The drive and fire of cereal television like NBC 's Today show makes you understand the line about waking up in a city which does n't sleep .
30 1751 " And in regaird Shawfield was in use to ffurnish three setts of News papers for this Country , till of Late that the same was withdrawn , And that at first Erecting of the post office here , Shawfield agreed to Continow the same with us for our Encouragement in keeping up of a post .
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