Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] but [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not only the characteristics of cities but also the requirements of industry need to be taken into account , and both are changing .
2 Erm if you wish to proceed with this proposal , I would suggest perhaps that erm it is n't uncertainty of responsibility but perhaps the extent of responsibilities and powers of the various agencies which need to be clarified and I , it is , it is pro probably that area which erm will be addressed by er th the analysis which takes place erm after the immediate problems are behind us er but certainly the implications for the Strategic Planning Committee erm and for , perhaps for local planning or something which erm the Chief Officers could be asked to report back to this Committee .
3 The three asserted that their only observation had been to suggest that because such a rumour was circulating it would be wise for it to be firmly denied or some enquiry made , and that they had not made any allegation against Profumo but only a suggestion for his benefit .
4 The gentlemen 's titles did not appear on the hand-painted signs at the foot of the staircase ; in certain other Oxford colleges such practices were countenanced ; not , Mr Bullins thought proudly , in Magdalen , which , in his opinion , was not only the most beautiful college in Oxford but also the only one of any consequence .
5 The base split from side to side but fortunately the water only seeped out .
6 The opening of the Springfield Works not only marked a change of base but also a change of direction for the company .
7 Our eyes and minds have felt the need for change , not only a change of view but also the psychological relief and stimulus of thinking of something new .
8 They were also the party of international Protestantism , believing that England should open its arms to foreign protestants who had fled their own country on account of their religion , and were prepared to allow them not only complete freedom of worship but also the advantages of naturalisation .
9 They do not realise that to make a discovery of some magnitude requires not only great ability and a bit of luck but also a considerable investment of time and effort in mastering a demanding discipline .
10 You hav to hav a bit of patience but once the train moves out the little victims are YOURS You put them in the lugage rack with molesworth 2 .
11 To both of them , the human sacrifice of 1914–18 created not just a deep loathing of war but also a determination that such sacrifice should not be in vain .
12 They are introduced for a variety of reasons but often the aim is the laudable one of protecting the public against physical harm or deception .
13 By starting from the premise that the historical moment had arrived to sweep away not only the nihilistic , angst-ridden literature of modernism but also the crass simplicity of Stalinist socialist realism , Lukacs envisaged the possibility of a beneficial mutual interaction between bourgeois critical realism and a rejuvenated socialist realism .
14 The traditional formula for British economic life has been to have the production industries producing not only the articles for sale but also the wealth of the nation .
15 The study of the English economy in the late Middle Ages shows that there were wide discrepancies of fortune between different parts of the country , and that any attempt to understand its development must take into consideration not only such general factors as population change and the effects of war but also the immediate local factors which determined why one area could outstrip another in prosperity or decline .
16 This not only spells out just a few of the advantages of zinc but also the name of the leading rolled zinc available in the UK
17 This indicates not only their wealth of invention but also the artistry and professionalism of their approach .
18 Reflecting the connection between good teaching and its management and good learning , institutional statements about the principles of in-service work include , as an example , " The ultimate aim of all in-service education for teachers is the improvement of pupil/student learning through the development of teachers as reflective , autonomous professionals who have not only developed a range of skills but also a broad knowledge of understanding of subject content and of the conceptual framework of teaching and learning . "
19 All nurseries keep records of work with parents but often the information is lost in daily dairies and in files including a lot of other information .
20 To put this advice generally , if you are asked to distinguish between two legal concepts or institutions , you should give not only the difference of definition but also the difference of legal effect .
21 In contrast with most other studies on exfoliative cytology for bile duct strictures this study has not focused on a particular primary site of tumour but rather the overall use of cytology with biliary strictures .
22 We live in a day when not only the gift of prophecy but also the ministry of the prophet is being restored to the church .
23 The Glasgow Emancipation Society greeted the conference with hope but also the requirement that the antislavery platform should be of the ‘ broadest and most Catholic principle ’ avoiding ‘ sectarian feeling and jealousy ’ .
24 Yet this was not only his most effective period in office but also the job he enjoyed most .
25 Zakrevskii 's political opinions were so far to the right that he thought the Moscow Slavophiles were dangerous subversives ; his antipathy to modernization led him to deplore not only the construction of new factories in Moscow but also the expansion of old ones .
26 Preservation , it was claimed , had not only jeopardized the market 's move to Docklands but even the survival of the fishing industry of Great Britain !
27 World spatial systems afford an enormous scope for review but perhaps the dominant trend has been towards the differentiation of the earth 's surface on a more realist dynamic basis to replace a more static arid functional treatment that had been current previously .
28 Not only does religion give the principles of society but also the principles of one 's lifestyle .
29 He believes this conflict is responsible for the ‘ crisis ’ in film , television and pop , pointing out that the Sixties saw not only the easing of censorship but also a massive decline in cinema attendances .
30 This wording is defective because it ignores the fact that the register is not just a register of members but also a register of shareholdings and that a likely error is in the amount of a member 's shareholding .
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