Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] with [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Educational provision for children with statements of special educational needs ( see Chapter 3 , 1978 Warnock ; Chapter 4 , 1981 Education Act ) is varied , and changing over time ( see Chapter 5 , Figures 5.14–5.16 ) .
2 He was sent by Henry III to Rome in 1226 , 1227 , 1228 , and 1234 ; to Antwerp for negotiations with envoys of the Emperor Frederick II in 1227 ; and on several occasions to France or Wales to renew truces .
3 The organisation is also considering how it should respond to increasing requests for help with victims of domestic violence .
4 In the afternoon he will go to Capitol Hill for discussions with members of Congress .
5 The Labour Party wrestled with the problem by linking demands for disarmament with plans for legislation guaranteeing the Right to Work .
6 The law and house adaptations for people with disabilities by Derek McConnell .
7 In Aitken v. Motherwell and Wishaw Licensing Court , 1071 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 25 , it was held that a licensing court had no powers to make policy or blanket decisions ( see Re Findlay [ 1985 ] A.C. 318 ) , and in Keith v. Dunfermline Town Council , 1068 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 51 , the refusal of a permit for amusements with prizes on general grounds was found to be unreasonable .
8 The association of jade with rulers in China is documented in many ways .
9 Hypochondria is thought to be a result of repressed emotions and secret fears , and it is far more likely to develop in families where there is a preoccupation with illness , or in people who have a great deal of contact with invalids as children .
10 Many of the verses on the subject of Growltiger or Macavity had in fact originally been written for the children of the Fabers and the Morleys ; Eliot 's own affection for small rather than large animals is sufficiently well known , and he was the owner ( or patron ) of a succession of cats with names like Pettipaws , Wiscus and George Pushdragon — he used the latter name when entering crossword competitions in Time and Tide .
11 Mayhew described the costermongers living in the coster districts of London with wives to whom they were not legally married although they remained permanently attached , and these are only the most famous of such alliances .
12 But , as with those who emphasize the tutoring role of the adult input in initial language learning , both these authors emphasize the influence of the environment on the repertoire of linguistic resources that the child masters as a result of interaction with members of the family circle .
13 It blinds the eyes of contemporaries with clouds of smoke ; but it docs not endure , and its flame is hardly visible . ’
14 In return , Abu Dhabi is seeking an undertaking from at least 70 p.c. of creditors with claims of more than $7 billion ( £4.1 billion ) not to pursue any legal action against the majority shareholders .
15 There had been a full programme of consultation with residents of the surrounding area , she added .
16 President Ford threw himself into an extensive programme of consultation with members of congress on behalf of his new policy , but his performance in this acid test of presidential leadership was unimpressive .
17 After the inquiry Mr Graham and Mr John Lindsay , a chartered surveyor and the second inspector , would prepare a written report for the secretaries of state with recommendations on whether the line should go ahead .
18 Give the other person something , even if it is only a name card , or piece of paper with notes on it .
19 Extra lighting would make a worthwhile contribution to road safety on this dangerous stretch of road with houses on one side no footpath .
20 The finding of a greater degree of alkaline exposure in the lower oesophagus of patients with complications of their Barrett 's oesophagus distinguishes them from those without complications and poses the question as to the origin of this distinction .
21 Following upon the Cleveland Report which was concerned with civil proceedings the Criminal Justice Act 1991 has now made it possible for video recordings of interviews with children to be used as evidence in criminal proceedings .
22 The growth of bureaucracy led to the proliferation of officials with functions as police , tax collectors and customs officers who might have had their offices in such places .
23 1989 ) , ours identified or underlined some of the main factors in effective school management : the style and quality of the head 's leadership ; the intellectual and professional climate of the school ; The explication of the management roles of staff with posts of responsibility curriculum leaders , year leaders , coordinators and deputy heads ; the importance of formal structures and mechanisms for decision-making ; the need to strike an appropriate balance between such formal structures and informal processes ; and the importance of involving all staff in decision-making .
24 The latest edition of the BCU yearbook contains a great deal of information including lists of rivers with contacts about access .
25 Herself no academic , she saw no value in the evolution of the halls into colleges with staffs of women tutors , nor in the opening of degrees to women while Oxford 's matriculation requirement included Latin and Greek .
26 In what , the chairman of the working party responsible for it and president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland , described as ‘ the most fundamental change in audit reporting probably for more than a generation ’ , the SAS seeks to close the so-called expectations gap and bring practice into line with recommendations of the report of the Cadbury committee on corporate governance , of which was also a member .
27 [ For sentencing in early 1992 of border guards in connection with killings at the Wall see pp. 38736-37 ; 38782 . ]
28 [ since ] the aim of achieving a strong competitive position in international markets , or at least the concern not to be at a disadvantage in comparison with competitors in other countries was one of the chief arguments advanced by some of the first employers ' associations against proposals for social reforms through protective labour and social legislation .
29 Included in the pack is a list of approved foreign legal professions , and a list of foreign regulatory bodies whose professional rules do not prohibit practice in partnership with solicitors in England and Wales .
30 To add to his case , John Holloway has been revealed as the chairman of a company which was fined £45,000 in 1990 after making false declarations in connection with applications for vehicle excise licences .
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