Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] but [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There might also be quite a number of very much smaller black holes scattered around the universe , formed not by the collapse of stars but by the collapse of highly compressed regions in the hot , dense medium that is believed to have existed shortly after the big bang in which the universe originated .
2 Could it be that the stripes are intended not for the eyes of lions but for the eyes of other zebras ?
3 Tall hierarchies are characterised by small spans of control but with a large number of managerial levels ( see figure 26 ) .
4 The child looked up , transfixed , He was seized , suddenly , not only by the fear of discovery but by a deeper , long-buried fear .
5 But decision making was also now , to a large extent , outside his control , for his livelihood was no longer dependent on the vagaries of nature but on the vagaries of the market .
6 There was a syringe of morphine but under no conditions should it be given for head or chest wounds and here Charlie had both .
7 The Allied raiding forces would include many units with special skills , landing not only on the Channel coast of France but across the world from northern Norway to the South Pacific .
8 It 's a play that looks unflinchingly not just into the mouth of lambs but into the abyss .
9 It will not be long before the Minister will be able to continue his ideological rantings , but this time he will do so from not the security of the Department of Employment but from the Front or Back Benches of a Conservative Opposition .
10 Those four orientations can usefully be employed to help understand and explain attitudes not just toward political opposition in Britain but to the political culture as a whole .
11 the reproduction now functions as the original , the live performance is measured against the recording , and technical equipment is seen not as an external aid to reproduction but as a characteristic of the musical original , employed as part of the artistic conception ( ibid : 236 ) .
12 Yet , the answer to the drought and related problems lies not with the worthy , necessary and spatchcocked aid to Ethiopia but with a positive response to Brandt .
13 Development there has been described by Lehmann as ‘ modernisation with fitful growth ’ , because the expansion of the state apparatus has meant modernisation in terms of growing bureaucracy and an increase in formal , at the expense of clientelist and personal , relationships at work but at the same time agricultural productivity has been erratic ( Lehmann 1982 ) .
14 Since power rests not just in individuals or groups but in anonymous social mechanisms and assumptions , they argued that the power of capital is revealed not in individual acts of decision-making but in the everyday application of ‘ those assumptions which give priority to private capital accumulation and market exchange in the use and distribution of resources ’ ( Westergaard and Resler , 1975 , p. 144 ) .
15 In Dicey 's words it meant that ‘ whenever men act in concert for a common purpose they tend to create a body , which from no fiction of law but from the very nature of things , differs from the individuals of whom it is constituted . ’
16 Hilton interprets ‘ new mind ’ or ‘ new feeling ’ as the creation of contemplation , which now demanded far more than the old Benedictine ideal where the monk did not experience God in the achievement of higher states of consciousness but in the mundane details of daily life .
17 Entry to these homes was not determined by assessment of need but by the eligibility of the potential resident for financial support .
18 The state of emergency in which our planet finds itself consists not only in the contamination of nature but of the very roots of our thought , which are still shaped by thousands of years of prejudice and prescriptive categories .
19 He saw human beings not as a mass of contradictions but as a particular sort of person — a great nobleman or a poor scholar or a spotty-faced announcer from the BBC .
20 So what you actually do , is have a higher level of cover but for a shorter selected period , to fit in with your circumstances .
21 Quantity in this sense , duration , is what musicians and musical composers are continually concerned with ; and so it is not surprising that poets of this way of thinking , like Pound and Bunting , show themselves avidly interested in poetry which has been , not at a level of theory but as a fact of performance , intimately associated with music : poetry that has been set , or has been written in the hope of being set , to music .
22 A major merit of network planning systems such as PERT is that the structure ensures that the work content and logical sequence of jobs is not stated in potentially ambiguous groups of words but by a combination of the layout of the network and the defined symbols forming it .
23 It is interesting to observe how frequently the French style prevails not just in the building of hotels but in the whole ‘ architecture of pleasure ’ in Britain .
24 A mucosa without histological signs of malignancy but with an increased S-phase duration , would indicate that the malignant process has started .
25 The 5th generation — Expert Systems — must be seen as being applied to the first four generations of Maintenance but at the same time trying to integrate them as well .
26 Land-allocation maps were the main feature of plan preparation , no longer simply for land in course of development but for the whole of a local authority area .
27 During the third century synodical government became so developed that synods used to meet not merely at times of crisis but on a regular basis every year , normally between Easter and Pentecost .
28 He was supported by David Buckley , who did n't consider using a consultant accountant as a weakness of management but as a strength .
29 The fighting , I am told , reflected more than a concern just with forms of worship but with an assertion by this small , proud country of its own independence of spirit .
30 It is now the Ministry of Culture but during the Munich crisis was the seat of Beneš and the government of Prague .
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