Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] for [adj] people " in BNC.

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1 We have just heard from the hon. Gentleman that all our proposals for discounts for single people and alleviation of the top rates of the tax are anathema to the Labour party , which wants to return to the full rigours of the rates .
2 I believe that the above points would be endorsed by other bodies , including disability groups and Regional and District Councils , particularly from sections who have responsibility for transport for disabled people .
3 The bulk of care for elderly people takes place within family settings .
4 There are then severe shortages of accommodation for local people for the duration of the holiday season .
5 Is the Secretary of State aware that he has done painfully little to create ladders of opportunity for disabled people because only one in three have jobs ?
6 My hon. Friend will realise that I do not wish to mislead him and that the setting of discounts for single people is a matter of judgment .
7 And one of the things which always disturbs me most about Russell is his emphasis upon pity , what moves him so is the emotion of pity for other people .
8 DOROTHEA RAMSEY was a pioneer in work for old people and one of the leading figures in establishing residential homes for the elderly during the Second World War .
9 There has been a particular concentration on measures for young people to the extent that many who leave school at sixteen can expect up to two years in government schemes which combine work experience with training .
10 This is the pull of incomes for poor people , and of sea , sun and snow for the rich .
11 Through a broadly based consultation process headed up by Planning and Coordination , Standards have been agreed by the Social Work Committee for the Inspection of Homes for Elderly People and for Children , Child minders , Full Day Group Care and Part Day Group Care .
12 We are able to see into the heart of things for other people .
13 One major part of the ongoing work of the Working Party is to discover what opportunities are being provided by a range of different agencies and what your attitudes are to the provision of opportunities for young people .
14 The Spastics Society , for example , has said of this proposal : ‘ We are deeply concerned about any assumptions that the public provision of care for disabled people can be in the main shifted to the private and not-for-profit sector without serious consequences for disabled people . ’
15 The provision of homes for old people by local authorities is still for only about twenty places per thousand old people in an area , and many of these will be for very old and frail disabled people .
16 In border areas , dwellings which incorporated architectural features concerned with defence ( the ‘ maison-fortes ’ of France ) were both dwellings for a family and , in certain circumstances , they might provide some measure of protection for local people , in so doing underlining the nobleman 's responsibility for the defence of the people .
17 Still with Booth Shaw , Denison produced the radical proposal for flats for single people in the heart of the city centre .
18 Under the chairmanship of Bill Buchanan — who , like the group 's then director , Nancy Robertson , is wheelchair-bound — the committee highlighted five major areas of neglect for disabled people : access , housing , employment , independent living and prevention .
19 So , come to this part of Spain and by the time you leave you 'll understand why this area has become the most popular and cosmopolitan playground of Europe for young people .
20 THE issue of access for disabled people was highlighted in a Herald and Post article two weeks ago when a wheelchair-bound man experienced difficulty getting into a recently refurbished Comber bookies shop .
21 Similarly , organisations of adults with disabilities , such as the British Council of Organisations for Disabled People , are pressing hard for better quality , integrated education , given their own personal experiences of segregated provision .
22 Gradually this concern was widened to include the provision of a broad range of services for old people who remain , and wish to remain , independent in their own homes .
23 Developing a range of services for housebound people through collaboration between those who provide goods and services and local authorities would be a way to end discrimination against these most neglected of consumes .
24 One could talk about many other areas of improvement : the huge 68 per cent increase in real spending ( over and above inflation ) by Government on community care services since 1979 ; the 29 per cent increase in real spending on the whole range of benefits for elderly people ; or , in a completely different field , the improvements in public transport which have , for example , seen the number of rail passengers increase by 14 per cent .
25 For example , for several years she arranged regular Saturday evening social gatherings in Kettering for young people .
26 He added Labour would raise pensions by £5 per week for single people and £8 a week for couples .
27 Ideas from groups like Voice for Young People in Care are appropriate .
28 The concept of key worker or care manager of the Griffiths report and the idea of individually planned packages of care for disabled people have great attractions for the carers of dementia sufferers .
29 The Old Museum presents All Ireland Festival of Theatre for Young People
30 A consultative group on provision for deaf people and those with impaired hearing has also been established .
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