Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] and [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And then it 'll come up , you know , I 'll put in w er one O two is the headlines for Ceefax for instance and then the stories will be from one O three to about one one five or something like that you see .
2 Follow the signs for Templepatrick and then the sign for Antrim .
3 Certainly it 's a sad loss for Lyneham and particularly the squadrons involved but our operational task remains and the training goes on to achieve that
4 The Cockerham trainer is well known for spreading his net far and wide in his search for success and tomorrow The Fernhill Flyer should keep the ball rolling in the Puma Claiming Stakes at Southwell .
5 Smelser argues that male trade-union agitation against married women 's employment after the 1830s was due to the enforced decline of employment opportunities for children and hence the need for an adult presence in a newly constituted home life .
6 The temptation is to rush out to lose one 's aloneness in all sorts of activities and perhaps a wild search for replacement company .
7 Also , step back from engagement , never forward ; an exciting bout generates a great deal of noise and sometimes the opponent does n't hear the referee 's call to stop the bout .
8 Not only did the names change at the Palaeozoic/Mesozoic boundary , but also the classification , the methods of study and even the terminology of the anatomical parts .
9 One last consideration — many couples have experienced total loss of desire and even a repugnance towards sex with no apparent reason .
10 Perhaps the general absence of corals from near large river mouths is partly the result of sediment and partly the result of low salinities .
11 Other tombstones tell us a little about the inhabitants of the town , and include F. Antigonus Papias , a citizen of Greece and possibly a Christian , who may also have been a merchant .
12 In Norfolk she picked Timothy Colman ; in Aberdeenshire , Captain Colin Farquharson , formerly of the Brigade of Guards and subsequently a land agent ; and in Gloucestershire , Colonel Martin Gibbs , another military Old Etonian .
13 This is because in Canada the view that rape is less a crime of sex and more a crime of violence has been pursued with particular fervour .
14 In front , southwards and seawards , there was a stretch of gravel and then the ground fell away abruptly down to the sea .
15 It was in part because of this love of the specially religious life , and in part because of the affection for the long history of the Church , that he led another pilgrimage ( 1959 ) of several thousand people to Holy Island on the coast of Northumberland and even The Times had a piece about the archbishop walking barefoot .
16 Upon consideration of the hypothesis that bile constituents and their intracolonic degradation products influence colon carcinogenesis , it has been proposed that subjects with a metabolic predisposition towards lowered serum cholesterol may also have an increased secretion of bile and hence an increased risk of developing colorectal carcinoma .
17 The factory itself was formed by Bill Freeman in 1967 , a former employee of Stoddard and now the Contract Director of Stoddard Mercia Contract .
18 Bentham arrived at it via his belief in the universality of reason and hence the possibility of correctly socialising man 's instinct for pleasure ; Howard by his belief in original sin , guilt and the possibility of awakening man 's consciousness of sin .
19 This is a personal perspective which is a considered opinion drawn from eighteen months of researches and over a hundred interviews , and built upon my own experiences over twenty years of what constitutes good science .
20 Assaults on policemen , Chinese and defenceless women , window-smashing , gang fights , breaking up holiday resorts , and gobbing on the steps of churches and also the worshippers assembled there , were among their least terrible adventures .
21 If my wife and I both go then the car is cheaper by £10 , but that is not a lot to pay for the increased safety of rail travel , the convenience of not having to take a car into London and indeed the fact that we can read or go to sleep on the train .
22 ‘ I 've chased Horan and Little on more than one occasion and have yet to get my hands on them , ’ said Gibbs , who figured in the 63–6 Welsh defeat in Brisbane and then the 38–3 World Cup loss .
23 It was also weighing on Bernard 's mind that they were opening more and more shops in Europe and yet the European commercial scene was not as stable as that in the UK .
24 But any form of ‘ editing ’ the file card in this way must introduce some small risk of giving an impression that is slightly awry , and we would prefer the UAPT practice of invariably giving the ‘ black ’ information entirely unabridged , although recognising the savings in time and therefore the cost that the CD procedure must allow .
25 Alan got a message for you all the stewards and secretaries within Pilkingtons and also the A E U , M S F and the T & G thanks very much for the initiative you 've in getting us all together and the initiative you 've took in getting us part of the European set-up company Pilkingtons , at this present time are very negative .
26 At about then I took note that there were n't in fact any other boats moving on the river and I remembered that often the locks closed for maintenance in winter and maybe the lock-keeper would have gone shopping …
27 Meanwhile Kubota Corp — majority shareholder in Stardent and now a 30% stakeholder in AVS Inc — is left with Stardent 's MIPS R3000-based Titan series of high-end graphics workstations .
28 With open-loop control even lightly-loaded motors can rarely operate at speeds of more than 10000 steps per second and therefore the microprocessor need only issue a step command every 0.1 ms .
29 It is legal in Britain to inflict the indefensible cruelty of hounding defenceless animals to death and therefore the terrible stain of this brutality is on all our hands .
30 In the weeks before the meeting , the Daily Worker published plans for a five-column march on Olympia and even a map to show its readers how to get there .
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