Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] [adv] [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 One of these has already been put forward , by the CNAA early in 1982 , termed Model C. In its response to the July 1981 Green Paper , the CNAA is critical both of Model A and Model B , regarding Model A as inadequate and lacking credibility both on academic and other grounds , and Model B as too exclusive in that it creates a division between institutions substantially involved in the provision of public sector higher education and those only marginally so .
2 This is typically 40% but may rise to 80% for groups especially interested in the study .
3 The competition is open to all readers of ACCOUNTANCY normally resident in the UK except for employees ( and their families ) of Accountancy Business Group and Microsoft .
4 Kammerer must have been imposing such intense selection on such a large sample of eggs that he was able to filter out the odd egg that carried the remnant complex of genes still present in the species ' gene pool at very low frequencies .
5 Though it is often suggested that Metastrongylus may transmit some of the porcine viruses , and may enhance the effect of viruses already present in the lungs , the role of the worm is not conclusively proven .
6 Held , dismissing the appeal , that , if there had been a contravention of section 3 of the Act of 1986 , an order could be made under section 6(2) against both the contravener and persons knowingly concerned in that contravention provided that such order was intended to restore all the parties to specific transactions to their respective former positions and that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of achieving that object ; that , on a contravention of one of the provisions of section 6(1) ( a ) , an order could be made under the subsection against persons knowingly concerned in the contravention provided that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of remedying the contravention ; that such restitutionary orders could be made notwithstanding that the persons knowingly concerned had received nothing under the impugned transactions , there being no distinction between the type of order that could be made under the subsections against a contravener and a person knowingly concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had been right to dismiss the solicitors ' summons to strike out the S.I.B . 's claims against them ( post , pp. 907C–D , F–G , G–H , 909D–G , G–H , 910D , 913D–G , H — 914A , 915C–D ) .
7 By a notice of appeal dated 6 September 1991 the solicitors appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong in law in holding that ( a ) under section 6(2) of the Act of 1986 the court had jurisdiction to order any person other than the contravener who appeared to the court to have been knowingly concerned in the contravention of section 3 of the Act to repay to investors sums paid by them to Pantell and ( b ) under section 61(1) of the Act the court had jurisdiction to order any person other than the contravener who appeared to the court to have been knowingly concerned in the contravention of any rules , regulations or provisions referred to in that section to repay to investors sums paid by them to Pantell ; ( 2 ) the court had no jurisdiction under sections 6(2) and 61(1) to award claims for compensation for loss against persons knowingly concerned in such contraventions in contrast to sections 6(3) to ( 7 ) and sections 61(3) to ( 7 ) ; ( 3 ) the judge was wrong in law in holding that ( a ) the power of the court under section 6(2) to order a person knowingly concerned in the contravention to take such steps as the court might direct for restoring the parties to the transaction to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into and ( b ) the power of the court under section 61(1) to order a person knowingly concerned in the contravention of the rules , regulations or provisions referred to in that section to take such steps as the court might direct to remedy it included power to make a financial award against such person directing payment by that person to individual investors of sums equivalent to the amounts paid by such investors pursuant to the said transaction , neither subsection empowering the court to order restitution by the repayment of moneys outside the possession or control of the person concerned ; and ( 4 ) the judge erred in law ( a ) in his construction of sections 6(2) and 61(1) in failing to have regard to the principle ‘ generalibus specialia derogant , ’ in particular in holding that there could exist within each of sections 6 and 61 two parallel powers to order financial redress at the suit of the plaintiff , one derived from sections 6(3) and 6(4) and sections 61(3) and 61(4) respectively , which was subject to the limitations set out in those and subsequent subsections , and the other derived from section 6(2) and section 61(1) , which was subject to no such limitations ; ( b ) in rejecting the submission that sections 6 and 61 were essentially procedural and did not create new substantive legal rights and remedies ; and ( c ) in failing to have regard to the fact that the orders sought under paragraphs 11 and 13 of the prayer to the amended statement of claim required payment to the plaintiff or alternatively into court of moneys recovered thereunder from the solicitors despite the absence of any provisions for such orders in the Act , his dismissal of the summons being inconsistent with his finding that there was no provision in sections 6(2) or 61(1) directing payment into court and that any order under the sections would have to direct repayment of the sum paid to each individual investor who had made the original payment .
8 The treatment for both problems is expensive , and has to be repeated constantly , thus rendering the initial investment in drainage quite worthless in some cases , and at other times leading to a downgrading of the agricultural classification of the land .
9 Transport is another area in which the discussion ranged from immediate action to changes only possible in the distant future .
10 A Parliamentary recruiting officer was beaten up during a riot at West Hoathly fair in 1643 , and the spate of troubles increased .
11 The most important chairman ( of the municipality ) was a Jlulat from Tazarbu , that is to say from the category of people least involved in the Kufran disputes .
12 Investigations of processes initially functional in nature have begun to remedy deficiencies perceived in the early 1960s , have led to some new visions , and have also led in two directions .
13 However , the critical response of organisations heavily involved in the current provision of legal services should be noted .
14 The stance adopted by the Act does not concede the full force of the argument that ‘ there may be a need for a clear legislative recognition that expression of unashamedly racist sentiments , as such , is an aspect of freedom of speech too costly in terms of long-term social disharmony to be tolerated in a pluralistic society where ultimately the possibility of democracy and civil liberty may depend on wholehearted public commitment to the fostering of social solidarity . ’
15 rendered inducement of breaches of contracts of employment not actionable in the context of trade disputes .
16 For example , Hannan ( 1969 ) found that the number of young people in an area tended to increase outmigration , as the more able young left to follow the kind of careers not available in rural areas , though Grafton ( 1982 ) has argued that young people do not outmigrate from remote rural areas at a faster rate than their counterparts in less remote rural areas , and that any decline in such areas is due to lower levels of immigration , rather than higher rates of outmigration .
17 The swings of attitude so clear in the historical analysis of deafness had once again created a climate of opinion where the predominance of one methodology could be questioned .
18 In addition , the disinfectants themselves may react with the cocktail of chemicals already present in sewage to produce other , potentially dangerous compounds such as chlorinated hydrocarbons .
19 The figures are contained in a newly-released special report from Bell Communications Research , ISDN Deployment Data , which also includes the deployment plans of others not involved in the project .
20 Although Goldmann does introduce a measure of reflexivity not present in Marx , Engels and Lukács , it is as a characteristic of the sociology of knowledge which allows for a variety of competing perspectives .
21 But whether or not I am right about a Niemecz on paper 60 rpm for the machine 's flywheels , the tempo relationships of the pieces on all three machines ' barrels are a constant and it is interesting to see that the tempo range for pieces either minuet-like in character or specifically called minuets ( in available manuscripts or because of the music 's original sources ) roughly corresponds to the ranges of minuet tempos metronomized by Hummel and Czerny for Mozart and by Czerny for Haydn .
22 The Scottish Typographical Circular for instance rather specialized in joke articles over a woman 's signature which are obviously not by a woman at all .
23 The latter is indicated by an analysis of data from 27 developing countries which showed that there are significant differences among populations as to the proportion of women already infecund in the early childbearing ages of 20–24 years , when fecundity and , usually , fertility too , are at their peak .
24 Even members of the Commission who , like myself , were not members of the Labour party , hoped that their social exclusiveness could be softened , and that they would follow the lines of development then visible in Oxford and Cambridge .
25 It was a type of operation relatively common in international intelligence work .
26 By contrast , the type of prisoner most familiar in European and North American prisons , the habitual property offender serving a short-to medium-term sentence , is a comparative rarity in India .
27 They also do an award-winning Steinlager from New Zealand , a type of lager already available in some off-licences and you may remember the logos from their sponsorship of the last Rugby Union World Cup .
28 They also do an award-winning Steinlager from New Zealand , a type of lager already available in some off-licences and you may remember the logos from their sponsorship of the last Rugby Union World Cup .
29 All such activities demand thorough pre-planning and a type of organization not customary in many schools .
30 the college would have fill control of the timing of examinations/assessments , thus introducing a degree of flexibility not feasible in the present system ;
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