Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [conj] it would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then no information can pass from P 1 to P 2 because it would need to travel faster than light itself .
2 In response the government declared on Jan. 11 that it would investigate the allegations contained in the report and publish the results in a White Paper .
3 France indicated on Jan. 27 that it would sign the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) .
4 The Japanese government announced on Jan. 23 that it would extend aid worth $638,000,000 to the Philippines to support economic reforms .
5 Following expiry of the revised deadline , the Federal Defence Secretariat warned on Jan. 23 that it would put JNA units on combat readiness unless Croatia and Slovenia complied with the disarmament order immediately .
6 The African Liberation Forces of Mauritania ( FLAM ) announced on Jan. 15 that it would resume its armed struggle against the Mauritanian regime ( suspended in July 1991 — see p. 38325 ) .
7 The government announced on Jan. 19 that it would privatize loss-making agro-pastoral concerns .
8 The Libyan government instead emphasized in a Foreign Ministry statement of March 26 that it would co-operate in the implementation of Resolution 731 , that the UN and the Arab League should work towards a " political solution " to the dispute , based on international law and the UN Charter , and that it would accept the forthcoming verdict by the International Court of Justice in the Hague ( ICJ ) .
9 The IDB had announced on July 2 that it would finance projects worth US$80,500,000 during 1992-93 ; Pakistan was allocated US$27,000,000 for the import of crude oil and fertilizers .
10 The government announced in May 1991 that it would submit a bill in the second half of the year to deal with the problems of national and ethnic minorities .
11 The Bulgarian government announced on July 10 that it would close down its two oldest nuclear reactors , following a highly critical report on their safety commissioned by the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) .
12 Countries making commitments in August to the multinational force , apart from the USA and those European and Arab countries as described above , included ( i ) Canada , a NATO member country , which announced on Aug. 10 that it would send two destroyers and a supply ship , to arrive by September ; ( ii ) Australia , whose Prime Minister Bob Hawke announced after a telephone conversation with Bush on Aug. 10 that two frigates and a supply ship would be sent ( a decision endorsed by the Cabinet on Aug. 14 ) ; ( iii ) Pakistan , which had some 90,000 nationals working in Kuwait , and whose President Ghulam Ishaq Khan said on Aug. 13 that it would send troops to protect the Moslem holy places , with a first contingent to leave on Aug. 17 and a total commitment expected to number 5,000-8,000 ; and ( iv ) Bangladesh , which on Aug. 15 announced a commitment in principle to send troops to Saudi Arabia numbering some 5,000 in all .
13 The government announced on Aug. 7 that it would implement the recommendations of the Mandal Commission and reserve 27 per cent of government and public-sector jobs for members of the " backward classes " ( a category referring to members of economically disadvantaged caste groups who were not considered " untouchables " ) .
14 Its ’ prime minister ’ promised on February 24th that it would move into Afghanistan within a month .
15 Imagine a craft slipping in to one of those in excess of Mach 5 and it would fold up like a paper dart in a wind-tunnel .
16 The National Organization of Women announced on July 5 that it would contest Thomas 's confirmation .
17 Norway declared in July 1992 that it would resume commercial hunting of minke whales , in defiance of a moratorium agreed by the International Whaling Council ( IWC ) in 1985 [ see ED 61 ] .
18 The OLF announced on May 29 that it would seek a referendum on the future of the Oromo people of southern Ethiopia .
19 Elections to the reconstituted 50-seat National Assembly took place on Oct. 5 , the government having affirmed in a statement on Sept. 6 that it would remain strictly impartial during the electoral process .
20 The government announced on Sept. 3 that it would distribute a month 's supply of food rations to all citizens .
21 The European Commission announced on Sept. 3 that it would buy 45,000 tonnes of surplus Hungarian wheat for transportation to Albania by rail in December .
22 Countries making commitments in August to the multinational force , apart from the USA and those European and Arab countries as described above , included ( i ) Canada , a NATO member country , which announced on Aug. 10 that it would send two destroyers and a supply ship , to arrive by September ; ( ii ) Australia , whose Prime Minister Bob Hawke announced after a telephone conversation with Bush on Aug. 10 that two frigates and a supply ship would be sent ( a decision endorsed by the Cabinet on Aug. 14 ) ; ( iii ) Pakistan , which had some 90,000 nationals working in Kuwait , and whose President Ghulam Ishaq Khan said on Aug. 13 that it would send troops to protect the Moslem holy places , with a first contingent to leave on Aug. 17 and a total commitment expected to number 5,000-8,000 ; and ( iv ) Bangladesh , which on Aug. 15 announced a commitment in principle to send troops to Saudi Arabia numbering some 5,000 in all .
23 The UK joined the USA in declaring from Aug. 13 that it would enforce UN sanctions , believing that there was sufficient legitimacy for this on the basis of a request from the Kuwaiti Emir in exile , but obtaining UN endorsement on Aug. 25 for the use of appropriate " measures " to verify the cargoes and destination of shipping .
24 Vojvodina announced on May 8 that it would secede from Yugoslavia by June 26 , conflict continued between the JNA and the republic 's territorial defence force , which claimed that the JNA planned to occupy parts of Slovenia and hinder moves towards independence [ see p. 37790 ] .
25 Slovenians had voted for independence in a referendum in December 1990 [ see p. 37924 ] and the government had announced on May 8 that it would secede by June 26 .
26 Cuba announced on Aug. 27 that it would sign the treaty once all the states in the region had assumed their own obligations regarding the agreement .
27 Peace talks were set to resume in Caracas , Venezuela , on Aug. 26 between the government and the Simon Bolivar National Guerrilla Co-ordinating Group ( CNGSB ) , which had announced on Aug. 1 that it would suspend attacks on the country 's economic infrastructure , especially electricity pylons and oil pipelines , because of " the harm being done to the poverty stricken communities of the country " .
28 However , the CSU had agreed on May 28 that it would support ratification of the treaty if these issues were raised in an exchange of letters .
29 When the company announced on January 16th that it would close the New York Daily News within 60 days if it could not settle a crippling strike at the newspaper , Wall Street breathed a sigh of relief and the company 's share price soared .
30 Britain said on May 13th that it would penalise multinationals based in California if the unitary tax on worldwide profits were not scrapped by the end of the year .
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