Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [conj] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Blot skin dry and apply plenty of moisturiser .
2 She had a huge square jaw and a look of iron self-satisfaction that kept the boredom and loathing intact and extended them to as many other people as possible .
3 But it made sense to keep the running titles intact and transfer them as a set to another forme on its way to the press , saving a little of the compositor 's time .
4 Dave said : ‘ John was a bit fiery but kept himself to himself .
5 I chose Miller for you , he could drink a distillery dry and chase it with a brewhouse .
6 Trace the shape in figure 1 and transfer it to thin cardboard .
7 Alternatively a hyperbolic mirror can gather data from a distribution focused at F 1 and reflect them to F .
8 When the time is right Shamans pick the special fungus and make the vile brew which sends the Fanatics crazy and turns them into uncontrolled whirling maniacs .
9 He was pulling the sun roof open and thrusting himself to his feet .
10 Parts II and III are handed to the employees to take to their next employers , who will copy the details on to the P11 card , file Part II for reference and complete Part III and send it to their local inspector of taxes .
11 What is , however , a matter of concern is that within days of receiving and failing to reply to that letter , on 23 October 1991 , the local authority moved the children from the family friends with whom they had lived since 17 July 1991 and placed them with foster parents .
12 Married women who are claiming a repayment for the first time should fill in form R95(D) attached to leaflet IR 112 and send it to their local tax office .
13 Backed by just one woman trainee officer she confronted the suspect in alley off Lawrence Road , the scene of an attack in December 1991 that left her with a smashed up face .
14 The new army had to hold the Western Front after the demoralization of the French , following General Nivelle 's failed offensive of 16 April-21 May 1917 and did it with such success , that Allied victory became a possibility in 1918 .
15 At a press conference he gave after the collapse of the coup ( on Aug. 21 ) Gorbachev recounted that a delegation , consisting of Boldin , Gen. Plekhanov , Shenin and Gen. Varennikov , had visited him at his holiday dacha in the Crimea on Aug. 18 and placed him under house arrest because he had refused to endorse a state of emergency .
16 He charged the half-mile to the narrow exit lane at the eastern end of the Bay , wedged between the point and the beach , but got trapped in the surging rip current that dragged him towards Coffin Corner , the shipwrecking rocks at the west end of the Bay .
17 A programme of national assessment began in May 1978 and concerned itself with the standard achieved by 11 year olds .
18 Winchelsey learnt of this bull in December 1296 and published it in the assembly of January 1297 , called to consider the royal demand made in November on which they had deferred a decision .
19 In the first of a new series , which considers the properties of various media , MARTIN CHILD examines the brands available and puts them to the test .
20 So at this juncture you should be making a copy of bar one and calling it bar three .
21 As a boy growing up in New York , he recalls his father doing whatever he could to keep food in the ten hungry mouths , including buying up condoms and sunglasses wholesale and selling them to shopkeepers .
22 This had immediate commercial implications and the Government suffered an overnight conversion , bringing forward the first Data Protection Bill in February 1983 and reviving it after the election later in the year .
23 Let's just say it seems a bit questionable and leave it at that . ’
24 ‘ So , ’ Nathan pulled the towel from his shoulder and tossed it aside , ‘ after you 've tidied the galley , wipe the oilskins dry and hang them in the locker .
25 Scott reached slowly inside his jacket then pulled the Beretta free and handed it to Hitch , who gripped the automatic in his fist and checked that the magazine was full , slipping it from the butt .
26 The sentence trailed off as Hitch pulled the Beretta free and aimed it at the crewman .
27 Taskopruzade quotes from his father these words of Hocazade 's : " At the time when I was at the Sultan medrese in Bursa I was thirty-three years old and loved nothing save Taskopruzade goes on to say that Hocazade used to take more pride in having taught at the Sultan medrese than in having been kazasker or Mehmed II's Hoca .
28 ‘ There is something about the entire layout of Olympia 2 that reminds me of Milton Keynes : all these signposts leading nowhere . ’
29 I arranged to see Isabelle alone and told her of my feelings .
30 360K system : remove Program disk 1 and replace it with Program disk 2 when prompted
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