Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Coordinators of education management courses interviewed spoke of the difficulty this poses both for the curriculum balance of courses and for the image of the arts as a serious concern of education .
2 A total of 2,588 items were treated ; though in most cases this consisted only of the application of a backing material , work on badly degraded older material is much more labour-intensive .
3 Within minutes another went off at the Planetarium next-door , followed by two more at the Imperial War museum .
4 A bare and totally neglected Sheffield Victoria as seen in 1980 before the demolition crews moved in. 76003 clatters through with the Deepcar trip working from Tinsley .
5 Interestingly , the dividing line between positive and negative NPV in figure 6.2 coincides exactly with the BCG division between ‘ stars ’ and ‘ ? s ’ ( ‘ problem children ’ ) , and between ‘ cash cows ’ and ‘ dogs ’ ( see Hedley , 1977 ) .
6 Again , signer 2 differed notably from the others in his inability to use two lexical items simultaneously .
7 Motoring : Miles of smiles as the diesel comes of age : Brett Fraser on the Citroen AX , which offers fuel economy without much sacrifice in performance to drivers willing to turn away from the petrol engine
8 In practice this boils down to the governments being saddled with the bulk of the foreign hard currency debts , while it is private individuals in those same countries who hold most of the hard-currency assets .
9 The impact as well as the shock of the bullet wound knocked him crashing face down to the ground , his legs all mixed up with the trolley 's wheels .
10 One suspects that it is to demonstrate what the attractions of the famous Museum Island will be when the plan favoured by the Berlin museums supremo Dube but hotly contested by many museum professionals comes to fruition , for Dube has decided that the island is to be dedicated entirely to these archaeological collections , while the fine arts all move over to the western side of the city to more modern museums .
11 Chapter 5 focuses particularly on the thorny question of idealism .
12 If they do n't , one should dismiss the idea of cars unable to get out of the garage as sensational rubbish-mongering .
13 The demands made by the rebels provide the clearest guide to their grievances , and according to the Anonimalle Chronicle those put forward by the Essex men at Mile End on 14 June were that they should be allowed to seize and punish traitors , and that no man should be made a serf nor do homage or any type of service to a lord in return for land ; instead they should hold it at a rent of 4d. an acre .
14 Fortunately one of the good points about losing the seven stroke nine business is that Pauline transferred some of the stock of that seven stroke nine bearing on to the other end .
15 2 He drops his body weight downward to strike right through the boards .
16 Foxing was a term first used in about the 1840s , probably because the brownish-yellow spots and blotches reminded some fox-hunting bibliophile of his quarry in the countryside .
17 Mr Lang acknowledged in an interview with The Scotsman that some of the estimated costs and savings first put forward by the consultants had changed .
18 Ironically , David first went out with the woman who was to change his life on a girl 's night in town .
19 It is in the Demoiselles that these two influences first appear together in the art of Picasso , and it is this that in part makes the picture a natural starting-point for the history of Cubism .
20 You then follow Hunter 's Path , swinging uphill above the gorge , then crossing Piddledown Common to head back to the village .
21 Grandest among the hotels is the Imperial , Parkhill Road ( ) , a stately secluded clifftop spot , like a moored cruise ship embalmed in an atmosphere recalling days when Edward VII came ashore from the Royal Yacht .
22 It will be noted that trBA = tr AB = -7 and that Theorem VII applies regardless of the fact that rank unc rank BA. ( b ) unc Here unc each product being of unit rank .
23 During the 12 months prospective follow up of the 30 patients completing four weeks treatment , one patient ( prednisolone treated ) was lost to follow up at week 16 .
24 Yet prostatic cancer is remarkably common ; coming third in cancer incidence after lung cancer and skin cancer in men , cases have doubled over the past 30 years and , according to experts , look set to double again by the year 2020 .
25 They proceeded slowly in the afternoon sun , Victoria content to gaze up at the massed conifers as they passed and listen to the rhythmic grating of the eight small horse-shoes on the roadway .
26 The editorial in the Times of February 1971 appeared just before the debate in Parliament referred to and was specifically mentioned by one MP in that debate , which was dominated by the subject of television .
27 I was invigorated and felt seven feet tall going out of the church .
28 A brick wall about six feet high stretched away into the blackness of trees to right and left .
29 For visitors willing to penetrate deeper into the Südstadt , Galerie der Spiegel at Bonnerstrasse 328 will exhibit small sculptures , models and sketches by Bozetti , and still further south , Galerie Gmurzynska , at Goethestrasse 65 , will have a double exhibition of Malévich and Ellsworth Kelly .
30 A group of businessmen and politicians decided on Sept. 21 to carry on with the referendum proposal and on Sept. 26 began collecting signatures in favour of the referendum .
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