Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [noun] [verb] it be " in BNC.

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1 The specially-fortified milk is enough to sustain her … but now experts at Milton Keynes General Hospital say it 's time to start weaning her on to solid foods .
2 When McCaw Cellular Communications announced it was to swap $600m of its junk bonds for stock , the price of the bonds shot up .
3 We left Swansea tentatively with the idea of getting round Land 's End , but with a south westerly gale forecast it was a forlorn hope .
4 But he is flying in the face of opposition from the ruling Labour group who recently boycotted a visit by a South African diplomat saying it was too early to bring them in from the cold .
5 Two weeks ago the ruling Labour group on the council boycotted a visit by a South African diplomat saying it was too early to bring that country in from the cold .
6 What with my hair , and my collar and tie , and my hat , and a short neck somewhere in the middle , unless I had a two-inch all-over bubble cut it was well nigh impossible to prevent hair and collar overlapping .
7 ALMOST one year ago , the Brook Advisory centre opened it 's doors in Belfast .
8 In a development that highlighted Rosyth 's struggle to survive , the MoD last night confirmed it was giving serious consideration to an attempt by Devonport to poach a £28 million ship refitting contract already awarded to the Fife yard .
9 THE wayward Marquess of Blandford last night claimed it was a lost love which led him into drug addiction .
10 On the trains British Rail say it 's all fine no problems East Midlands Airport it 's all fine there no delays to the services at the moment .
11 In what must be the most liberal judgement ever handed down by a football authority , the FA disciplinary committee decided it was unintentional .
12 I mean some people say it diffidence some people say it 's considerate so you have to then try and go a bit further beyond the actual differences to find out what the reasons behind them are .
13 Radio 5 commentary said it was a very good game .
14 Promoters World Wide Productions said it was likely to be the last party of its kind before new legislation comes into effect .
15 Sun Microsystems Inc management estimates it is spending 10%-15% of its revenues moving over to Unix SVR4 : that must mean , that when the exercise is over , it will be rolling in cash .
16 But in the long run , it 's bound to strengthen Germany 's economy tremendously , in fact some people think it 's going to strengthen it a bit too much , because it 's , it 's strong enough er already .
17 In fact many women said it was kinder to cry than to be angry because , they claimed , if they said what they were really thinking their husbands would be so incredulous and so humiliated that the marriage would not survive .
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