Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] her [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Manescu grasped her firmly by the arm as he asked his question .
2 Grasping her elbow , Donal moved her out of the way of the small bridesmaid who seemed to have got over-excited and was racing around with someone 's little boy .
3 The blue eyes studied her lazily in the mirror , and she had the strangest sensation he was toying with her as a cat would a mouse before a kill .
4 I remember paramedics getting her out of the car , but I could not get out of my seat because my legs were trapped under the dashboard .
5 Guido took a mouthful of his whisky , his eyes scanning her amusedly over the top of his glass .
6 In the 1760s Catherine II of Russia had in self-defence to issue decrees ordering her subjects to petition her only through the appropriate officials and not by the direct personal presentation to her of their grievances and requests .
7 Little Chef tracked her down in the pink dusk at the bottom of the garden , with her arms round an apple tree , sobbing her heart out .
8 Dr Rafaelo took her down to the poolside .
9 Antoinette 's high heels tapped her away over the wooden floor of the landing , towards the front stairs .
10 A PAPER fan inherited among a job lot on her marriage led Mrs Lynn Lamport on a trail of historical intrigue unearthing tales of three-in-a-bed and of a Lady whose gambling losses brought her down to the level of street sweeper .
11 And for a moment they strained together , their breathing harsh , uneven , then with a sudden movement he rolled on top of her , his weight crushing her down into the grasses .
12 Nigel Dennis helps her out after the photographic session .
13 ‘ No reason , ’ he said easily as he sipped his tea , his eyes watching her steadily over the rim of the mug .
14 Then , suddenly , she was free as Leo thrust her away with enough force to slam her back against the window and set it rattling behind her .
15 Quick as a flash he was at her side , catching her before she hit the ground , his arm hooking behind her knees to scoop her up into the air .
16 It took me nearly twenty minutes to talk her out of the loo , finally having to promise that Nevil was not a friend , that he would n't call the police and that there would be no need for Mr and Mrs Binkworthy to know anything untoward had happened that afternoon .
17 However , there were people there who were ‘ greatly desiring that she had been out of that country ’ , and she bustled off to York , where the Archbishop paid a man five shillings to lead her out of the town .
18 The row about Catholicism got her out of the house and carried her through two euphoric days , during which she thought about the Trinity , existed on lollipops and stared at the Celebration of the Mass from the back of Westminster Cathedral .
19 Juliet and Tunney helped her out of the tank .
20 They said , ‘ Well , nobody will notice her if she 's got her back to the audience , ’ but all the audience wanted to know was ‘ Why has that girl got her back to the audience , is she hideously scarred ? ’
21 Alida hauled her up by the arms , plumped up the pillows , and shook them hard , until the dust soared .
22 Alexander had smiled and risen to his feet to kiss her lightly on the cheek .
23 But then the full force of Luke 's home hit her straight between the eyes .
24 In that second , while Jinny was babbling on about Joe , the boy looked her straight in the eyes and spoke soundlessly , his lips shaping a single word .
25 It was , in fact , a much beamier vessel than the police ship , the hull fining up sharply towards bow and stern so that both fore and aft her deep , strong wedge-shape would cause the ice to squeeze her upwards in the event of her being caught in a series of pressure ridges .
26 This prevented the girl 's parents taking her away from the home of her 18-year-old boyfriend .
27 ‘ Well , ’ Karen put her back to the window , leaning against it , and folded her arms .
28 So if the lady was on fire , you 'd leave it basically to the Fire Brigade , obviously if you could help the lady , get a ladder up to the window to get her out of the room or something like that , you would do that , you would help in any way you can , but the real experts are the Fire Brigade so we leave all the er real technical stuff to the Fire Brigade .
29 Nancy was able to come to Bedford and a kindly Methodist lady put her up for the night .
30 The boy carried her out into the snow and pushed her into the ground , turning her so that she faced the tent and the cluster of trees that formed their crude and failing shelter .
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