Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] when [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What will the Germans think when they arrive in Glasgow with players still fresh from a ten-week break in the Bundesliga and a legislative system which means that if any of their players has called off from this game they must not play for their club sides next weekend ? ’
2 ‘ There 'll be a high gangway to climb when we get alongside Omega , ’ she told them .
3 Like I said , pros kill when they have to .
4 Again , the childlike wonder appears when we read for example of nearly 7000 feet of Kimmeridgian ( Upper jurassic ) in New Zealand or 10 000 feet of Frasnian ( Lower Upper Devonian ) in Arctic Canada , or 17 000 feet of Arenigian ( Lower Ordovician ) in western Ireland .
5 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
6 Stu Grimson , 6ft 5 1/2ins and 220lbs , provides the steel for Chicago Blackhawks when they clash with Montreal Canadiens in a ‘ war on ice ’ for a £20,000 prize and the Molson Challenge Cup .
7 ‘ We 're going to have new red coats to wear when we go to court , ’ Richard said .
8 My day starts when I climb into my ‘ green machine ’ and switch on that ‘ phone .
9 The working poor 's main problem is the poverty trap — the tax penalty that poor families face when they move from welfare to work .
10 started as a receptionist , works now on film business and keeps fit through gymnastics ; 's is the first voice fibre customers hear when they ring with a query .
11 The problems arise when we shift to the first person , asking how we come to have knowledge of the world , and asking how we are justified in dismissing the possibility that reality is wholly other than we take it to be .
12 Do n't overdo it , though ; if they go through a side-door ( i.e. , into rooms 25 or 27 ) they do n't have to make another WP test when they return to the corridor part-way along .
13 I 'm pretty sure that by this stage I was suffering from what medical people mean when they talk about ‘ clinical depression ’ .
14 So far as I know , there is nothing anywhere which is like the sound Welsh people make when they talk about L loyd who lives at L landudno !
15 Two books in the recent past ( Pope and Weiner 1981 and Thackrah 1985 ) both contain veiled indications of the problems these civil service academics encounter when they write about the police .
16 ‘ This information is indeed worth treasuring , but it 's not what most people imagine when they think about wrecks .
17 what do people do when they retire among other things , by way of amenities ?
18 The idea came from the experience of pulling hair out of the bathtub ; ‘ this made me think about the things that are worthless , that we want to get rid of , the embarrassing hidden things like body hair , and the things we value and cultivate — in our culture , for instance , the head of hair is usually the first thing people register when they look at someone , a great deal of energy and money is , therefore , expended on hairdressing and styling .
19 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
20 Are young people paid when they go on Work Experience ?
21 Listeners can help by asking the stammerer whether they 'd like gaps in sentences filled when they come across a particularly difficult word .
22 Given such disagreement , in trying to convey some sense of what psychiatrists mean when they talk of ‘ schizophrenia ’ it is probably more informative to consider the range of symptoms that might be found across a group of individuals who have received that diagnosis .
23 ‘ What do phones do when they fall in love ?
24 Other writers have pointed to the pedagogical anxieties art teachers feel when they move from the security of their practical areas into a more conventional classroom environment — even when they are teaching art appreciation .
25 Because of the freedom most users find when they move from the word processing market into desktop publishing many early documents resemble Victorian handbills in design .
26 The really serious financial decisions come when you look at power amp and speaker combinations .
27 When they consume mushrooms Night Goblin shamans deduct -1 from their dice score when they roll on the ‘ Eadbangerz Chart .
28 A method for identifying and assessing the tasks which humans perform when they interact with a system .
29 If parents really want to help their children , with reading specifically , I feel that Margaret Donaldson , who is and educational psychologist in Edinburgh , is correct when she points out that one of the greatest difficulties children have when they go to school is that many of them do n't understand what kind of activity reading is .
30 If parents really want to help their children , with reading specifically , I feel that Margaret Donaldson , who is and educational psychologist in Edinburgh , is correct when she points out that one of the greatest difficulties children have when they go to school is that many of them do n't understand what kind of activity reading is .
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