Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] out [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Everyone is talking about it and before the pictures come out you can bet all the top designers will be using rope . ’
2 And if I sit here tape runs out I 'll see it and click .
3 If Jake found out he would have her guts for garters !
4 The room she was using was at the back of the house , and as she got up and walked over to the window to look out she could see a panorama of fields lying lush and green under a cloudless May sky .
5 It 's very good to compare how people see you , because if for example , your score came out we 'll say at a hundred but you work mainly with adapters , the innovators who were up here , they 're going to think that you 're an adapter .
6 When team came out they 'd kick a load a footballsinto crowd .
7 ‘ Of course , if this beastly war breaks out we 'll have to make it earlier .
8 If war broke out he 'd have to join his father 's regiment , but he was n't going to tell her that .
9 Maybe if things worked out he 'd start that up again .
10 The Lloyds will be one of 16 father and son pairs who will join up with 16 mother and daughter partnerships to find out who will become this year 's Remington/Daily Express Family champions .
11 They would have lists of all the people that had bought books from them or might have bought books from them in the past , categorized by where they live , the age of the person , the sex , the special interests , the past purchases , and then they would send out special books erm special letters , if they had a new doggie book coming out they might select all the ladies over fifty-five who had bought doggie books in the past .
12 The Scottish Agricultural College did a survey to find out what would happen if the MacSharry proposals were to be implemented in the Borders region .
13 At the same time artists , many of whom have already contacted the Office for Fine Arts in order to find out what will happen to their works , will be allowed to claim them back .
14 If his Mum and Dad found out they 'd kill him .
15 But there is a quicker way to find out what will happen : jump into a black hole .
16 If Dalziel found out he 'd laugh for seven days .
17 The Secretary of State recognised that if a high proportion of the boroughs left the ILEA , then what remained would be unworkable , and he therefore decided that if eight or more of the thirteen boroughs opted out he would force the remainder to follow suit .
18 ‘ When I get this office sorted out I will have four or five sets in here , all of them on different channels , ’ he laughs .
19 The glass would prevent contact , and when the time ran out she 'd stand and draw the velvet curtain across to end the encounter .
20 It was widely believed the committee wanted him , but insiders pointed out he may have been the wrong man for the job .
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