Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] up [prep] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 We have our own advisory board made up of members and officials of the council , trade unionists , industrialists and our own management .
2 Eventually they divided this process into sixty-four stages ; In the Book of Changes each stage is represented by a hexagram — a six-line figure made up of whole and broken lines .
3 Santa Clara County , the centre of Silicon Valley , has formed a high-tech task force made up of police and prosecutors from throughout the region .
4 I could n't imagine any of them having the nerve to stand up to Filmer and demand their money .
5 Because there is pressure on departments in humanistic subjects to appear up to date and efficient , it is much easier to persuade funding bodies to give money for computers and software than to buy manuscripts , rare books , or second and third copies of frequently used library texts .
6 She drew comparisons between the present crisis concerning Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait and the experience of 1938 , declaring that " Czechoslovakia of all countries needs no reminding of the need for nations to stand up to bullies and do so at once " .
7 It was necessary if I was to prevent Dana rushing up to London and ruining any chance of a reconciliation between Berenice and Garry , to say nothing of the risk to the baby .
8 During their six month tour of duty in Bosnia the Cheshires faced up to death and mass devastation on a daily basis .
9 There was some nuance of intimacy in her tone that made Richard look up in surprise and then look at Frank .
10 Through the 1920s , a clear gap opened up between Barth and Brunner on the one hand , and Bultmann and Gogarten on the other , though it was only to be later that the full significance of the divergence between them became apparent .
11 The Javan warty pig weighs up to 90kg and has red or yellow hair with black tips and marked facial warts .
12 So the same kind of stark opposition grew up between orthodoxy and rationalism on the matter of miracles as on the authority of the Bible ; and the issues raised then have surfaced again in a number of forms since .
13 While most Pacific islanders grew up with radio and print media , television and video are new to almost everyone .
14 There was a long pause during which a kind of stage fright seized me and perhaps him too : we remained in our positions , Richard sitting up in bed and me standing at the window , looking at each other helplessly like actors who have forgotten their lines .
15 After the nightmare images conjured up by John and Charles it was reassuring to drive through the historic streets of Sandwich and return to the sane world of the golf tournament .
16 The chairs we have now were actually designed with our chat show in mind , not so low that knees come up to chins and reveal too much sock , nor so wide as to encourage fidgeting , with an upright back to prevent slouching , and arm rests to give the nervous something to grip .
17 Equity turnover shot up in February and March .
18 writes from : THE funerals of both a soldier blown up in Ulster and a young mother murdered on Wimbledon Common were marked by the same poem :
19 Hari sat up in bed and stared through the window to where the light from the street lamp paled into insignificance against the rising sun .
20 Visitors often pop into reception , one caller recently brought in a vole wrapped up in paper and asked the girls advice as to what to do with it .
21 Meredith sat up in bed and listened .
22 It faced directly on to the wide main street of Wellingham , with its market cross , ornamental flower beds and grass verges ; in the daytime , a car park tangled up with bicycles and prams , on Saturdays and Fridays , with the stalls of a market .
23 My parents died when I was twenty , my sister moved up to Lancashire and became a nurse and got married , and that was the family gone .
24 The musical content of The Mysteries was provided by a group of musicians and singers made up of pupils and staff and even the school chaplain , Father Nick Kern on bass guitar .
25 Those with previous convictions will be allowed to put their case for registration before a selection committee made up of police and licensed and brewing trade representatives .
26 Extending a lot further south to connect up with Leicester and the border areas there .
27 She submitted that the law built up through custom and practice appeared to have had no difficulty in affording to a child born after the death of its parent a right of action over the death .
28 However , if we choose to confront the horse , and to fight it out , the horse will always associate having its feet picked up with anger and fear , and it will always be difficult .
29 That bloke phoned up about Batty and then went on to say that leeds ( Alan Roberts especially ) are equally bad to their own fans .
30 When they were about to leave for the restaurant , a man standing near the bar came up to Kevin and said , ‘ If ye 're wanting a place here , the Half House is on the market . ’
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