Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] that [pron] might have " in BNC.

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1 At a news conference on Aug. 11 the mayor of Shenzhen admitted that there might have been some mishandling of the issue of forms , and promised to seek out corrupt officials .
2 Lines at the corners of the mouth indicated that it might have smiled once , but there was no doubt that the eyes were anxious .
3 It was somewhat of a disappointment to her vengeful mind to consider that he might have taken yesterday 's omen to heart , and prudently drawn in his horns , resigning his pretensions on her rather than venture even token opposition to the fiat of the prince and his governor .
4 Among the possible explanations , Dr Darnell states that he might have returned to his own room .
5 Julia knew that he might have been in the room while she was unconscious , but his absence during her times awake began to fret her .
6 Peggy Pine who ran the smart clothes shop said that she might have her young niece staying with her .
7 Although she was not suicidal the therapist agreed that she might have been feeling as if she wanted to die at the time of the overdose .
8 But Moubarak argued that he might have misjudged the colt 's preparation in not giving him sufficient work since he was found to be suffering from a minor skin infection on his legs after his previous race .
9 ‘ There 've been some fears expressed that we might have an occupation force in Panama , ’ said Senate minority leader Mr Bob Dole .
10 Death from a drug overdose was the conclusion reached after she committed suicide , though speculation existed that she might have been murdered .
11 A slight discoloration of the lining of the breast pocket of the jacket suggested that there might have been a tailor 's label , but if there had been , it had been removed .
12 The side which had lain on the river bed was green and moss-grown and there was nothing about it except for its shape and its anomalous position in the water to show that it might have been used as a lethal weapon .
13 The teller then offered to accept their count , but the Zuwaya objected that he might have stolen more than a hundred votes .
14 She even had the audacity to suggest that I might have been ‘ carrying on ’ with Sir Vivien .
15 The architect owner admits that it might have been better to regard the converted building primarily as a house and to order priorities for the location and constructional ‘ envelopes ’ of rooms accordingly .
16 Nor did the fact that the defendants had a direct financial interest in securing a sale of Vertigo constitute a breach of fiduciary duty since the contract of agency envisaged that they might have such a conflict of interest .
17 The trouble is , we now know that they are being re-issued … and we have cause to think that they might have undergone quite extensive modifications .
18 In any other circumstances , Fabia felt that she might have been a trace worried — it was n't every day that she was in a foreign land , with a foreign male who , having fed her , tried his hand at seducing her .
19 Fry felt that he might have left it for good after his latest week of unemployment .
20 She was , as Clara had discovered at an early age , colossally inconsistent ; and sometimes Clara thought that it might have been easier to live with a true religious fanatic , whose fads and fancies would be at least predictable and well-marshalled , with the backing of some kind of external authority , from which there could be some appeal .
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