Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] that [art] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 The award guarantees that the candidate is competent in a significant range of work activities .
2 ‘ The story goes that the king was caught kissing one of the ladies-in-waiting of his English queen , Philippa of Lancaster .
3 In addition , there may be statements from engineers or surveyors suggesting that the building is physically unsound .
4 That 's until I clock the boat races at the Basildon count , and realise in a horror flash that the Cons are going to do an over-aller ; perhaps even increase their maj .
5 However , the defence argued that the case was one of mistaken identity and that Rashid was in fact Mohammed Hamdan , an officer in the PLO 's Revolutionary Army .
6 LIFESPAN ABLE will ask the user to confirm that the facility is to be terminated and , if confirmed , will terminate with an appropriate message .
7 During this time , the marriage could be saved or the custody of the children resolved before the courts agreed that the marriage was irretrievably broken down .
8 Everyone in our sample cases agreed that the law is the law and must be enforced ; they disagree only about what the law in fact was .
9 Within seconds , the vet announced that the lump was a large umbilical hernia which would need to be operated on , and that he should be castrated as these hernias are hereditary .
10 Opponents argued that the cellars were used for punishment purposes , and Special Branch alleged that a man had been seriously wounded by a knife in the stomach after horseplay between fascists at Black House .
11 Except for cases of incurably ill pets , where owner and vet agree that euthanasia is best , the reasons given are as follows , in order of frequency : a ) The client wants the vet to agree that the animal is terminally ill/suffering/too old to treat .
12 Despite the referendum result , opponents of the change argued that the vote was only an opinion poll and had no legal force ; the original decision to name the city after Lenin having been taken by the USSR Supreme Soviet , they claimed , it could only be rescinded by its modern equivalent — the USSR Congress of People 's Deputies .
13 The Scotsman understands that the deal is now unlikely to go ahead and a minority shareholder in Bank of Edinburgh , the Brighton-based Family Assurance Society , confirmed that there were difficulties .
14 Whichever bell was tolling , the question-and-answer on the specific issue of the FBR revealed that the committee was dealing with a legendary creature indifferent to the usual processes of judgement , time and fate .
15 The tribunal chairman ruled that the dismissal was because of ‘ a personality clash ’ between the two women and Mrs Taylor 's alleged misconduct .
16 Privately , MPs with divided views on Mr Lawson 's chosen course agreed that the Government was effectively boxed-in to its position , and now had to tough it out .
17 Closer inspection revealed that the crutches were in fact walking-sticks ; and the need for such support soon became apparent .
18 Where a teacher feels this is likely to happen it becomes her responsibility to see that the danger is avoided .
19 ‘ The court clearly has jurisdiction within the ambit of the 1968 Act and rules to see that no injustice is done to any applicant or appellant .
20 The move to set up the staff commission comes after local authorities asked that a body be set up to protect the interests of employees .
21 Far from being able to produce enough plutonium to make atomic weapons , however , IAEA experts agreed that the plant was " extremely primitive " and remained a long way from completion .
22 Sometimes the volume quoted by the manufacturer is wrong by as much as 25 per cent , so press the salesman to confirm that the volume is at least 200 litres .
23 In Belgrade ( the Serbian as well as the federal capital ) tens of thousands of Serbs and Montenegrins held a vigil on Jan. 30-31 outside the Federal Assembly building to demand that the Army be sent into Kosovo and to protest against the stance of the Slovene and Croatian leaderships .
24 In contrast to these results , Slobin and Welsh found that a child was able to imitate one of her own utterances immediately after she had produced it spontaneously , but that errors occurred when the child was asked to imitate the same utterance some minutes later .
25 The columns of The Lancet suggest that the operation was performed , though it aroused fierce opposition , and was soon abandoned .
26 I was less impressed by a news story in the Sunday Times announcing that the Pope is cracking down on sinners for Easter week : ‘ The Pope has ordered priests in the confessional box to clamp down on sin as churches prepare for the traditional Easter rush of sinners seeking forgiveness this week , ’ it announced knowingly .
27 The researchers found that the cells were actually making more plasmids .
28 He was not a happy man , and the stern set of his jaw , and the way he hardly ever looked at his two operatives , made Ray Doyle realise that the fat was really in the fire this time .
29 NATO 's commanders say that the missiles are there to deter , to prove to the Soviet Union that the West can knock out ports , factories and other ‘ strategic ’ targets with pinpoint accuracy .
30 Mr. Page began proceedings in the Queen 's Bench Division to establish that the university was not entitled to dismiss him .
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