Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] is [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But what he strenuously de nies inventing is that he DID serve Mr Lamont in Praed Street , Paddington , west London , on Monday , November 16 .
2 If we have only indicators what his methodological reasoning suggests is that we look for patterns among indicators which might suggest that we have found something of substance and significance .
3 Er and what the law says is if you change your mind I 'm afraid the law does n't entitle you to anything at all .
4 Another question to consider is whether you have any other materials dealing with the same topic .
5 What Pausanias implies is that he found nothing in this source about the Celtic art of divination which had been extolled by Posidonius and other authorities .
6 But the important point to remember is that we do not observe these sociolinguistic patterns directly : it is the speech of individuals in conversational settings that we observe and describe , and it is by analysing a large quantity of spoken language from many speakers that we can then demonstrate the patterns that emerge from our data .
7 The first point to note is that no-one has a convincing explanation for the existence of W-cells .
8 The first point to note is that you need to have your spreadsheet open in a resizable window — in Windows 3.1 simply pressing Alt-Enter will toggle between a full size and a resizable window ; in Windows 3.0 you have to minimise the application , then use its Control menu to change the display options in the settings menu to be window rather than full screen .
9 The other point to note is that you need to have 1-2-3 in text mode .
10 What all the programmes indicate is that it takes commitment and enthusiasm on the part of Rover , the schools and their pupils , if such initiatives are to produce the engineers of the future .
11 But another feature in the projects noted is that they have elements both of research and development in them , and the work has been pursued not just with one school but usually with several concurrently .
12 But the impression an impartial reader of Daniel receives is that he attributes no more importance to the Hellenizers than he does to their rivals , the followers of Judas Maccabaeus .
13 ‘ What Clarissa means is that we have n't — mercifully — heard you for ages . ’
14 The important thing to remember is that it does n't matter in the slightest what this garment looks like , as long as it boasts practicality and water-resistant qualitites .
15 Then Arthur Miller added : ‘ The thing to remember is that it has not gone away for ever . ’
16 The important thing to remember is that you control your attitude .
17 The first thing to remember is that you have not necessarily lost your place even if you have n't quite made the grades required .
18 The reason why it 's quite a good thing to do is because it gets you into descriptive language okay and thinking about how you describe things , adjectives are describing words .
19 I would say : if you want to talk of my thinking it in such circumstances then the least misleading thing to say is that I think it in saying it .
20 The likeliest thing to happen is that you leg it because , in a hullabaloo , you are one against two …
21 The first thing to notice is that we have a choice of saying these with the pitch remaining at a constant level , or with the pitch changing from one level to another .
22 One of the motivations for children to Speak is that they have ideas which they wish to communicate to other people ( Bloom 1973 ) .
23 One of the answers which this book suggests is that it pays to keep taking stock of how you are coping .
24 Yeah I agree with that , if you know somebody well , especially if you know somebody well and if you work with people and you communicate with people you build up trust , and if the communication 's there and people are talking to each other and passing on information , information 's going round and round trust 'll be there , the only time trust disappears is when somebody feels somebody 's keeping something back .
25 What is evident from the women studied is that they wanted and needed paid work for economic , social , psychological and personal reasons .
26 The one consolation that the adventurers have is that it stops raining , and the sun breaks through the clouds — although its light is watery and without warmth .
27 It can also mean " unrestrained " in the sense either of freedom to act or prodigality in giving : what Wilekin wants is that she give herself .
28 well what in actual fact happened , it 's not easy to get Terry Wogan at a moments notice to come and sit down , what in actual fact happens is that we draw up exactly what it is , that , that he would be saying and what the answer will be , he sees that and it 's totally approved , understandably he 's not gon na put his name to anything that he does n't believe is , is correct and that is how it 's done and
29 All that Ormrod J. is in fact saying is that there has to be a woman in a marriage , because someone has to perform the essential role of a woman in the marriage , and this essential role is to be a woman , biologically so determined .
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