Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] in [noun] [subord] they " in BNC.

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1 Marianne surveyed her reflection in the mirror , her eyes gleaming in satisfaction as they swept over her own generous curves , clearly outlined by the skin-tight material .
2 Ace 's blue eyes narrowed in approval as they leisurely explored her .
3 They have destroyed hundreds of lives — of the women separated for ever from their husbands , of young children forcibly kept from their mothers and old parents left in isolation because they do n't qualify as dependants .
4 Likewise , on the bottom of the wind circle , the winds decrease in speed because they are blowing against the flow of the storm 's tracking momentum .
5 Xanthe had caught snatches of her parents talking in London before they left .
6 The ‘ startling ’ facts about increased education spending under the Tories would ‘ leave many parents , teachers and administrators gasping in disbelief as they pick their way through pot-holed playgrounds to book-starved classrooms , ’ he added .
7 Certainly , this is not the sort of behaviour that modern judges have in mind when they refer to young thugs as behaving ‘ like animals ’ .
8 Other top officials remain in place because they are elected in their own right , leaving as attorney-general Jim Evans , the Democrat who brought the case against Mr Hunt , and as state treasurer George Wallace Jnr , scion of his house .
9 Mize looked in trouble after they 'd played their second shots .
10 Set out sweet peas seedlings over-wintered in frames once they are fully hardened off .
11 Strongly opposing the maintenance of an essentially arbitrary general retirement-age , the Committee recommended that the test for engagement or retirement should be capacity , not age , and that all who could give effective service should have the chance to continue in work if they so wished .
12 The clumps of colour grow in size until they become visible and are held together whilst the water evaporates .
13 One persistent question that intrigued those working on this study during the past four years was , ‘ Why do small farmers continue in agriculture when they achieve such small financial rewards for considerable expenditure of effort ? ’
14 That 's why I think people got in debt because they 'd been having things that they could n't afford , I mean er , at one time you was never encouraged to ha er have things , now I mean the minute they see you 're getting low on your , oh have something else , have something else
15 This was against all that was implicit in the way I had been taught — people increased in wisdom as they grew older , so that they were able to guide the young in the paths they should follow .
16 Police are urging people playing bowls last tuesday at Kingsthorpe recreation ground to get in touch if they have any information .
17 Police are urging people playing bowls last tuesday at Kingsthorpe recreation ground to get in touch if they have any information .
18 People fail in negotiations because they are frightened of the consequences of saying " No " .
19 Hundreds of trippers who had paid for a front-row seat in a grandstand overlooking the departing flotilla left in anger when they were told the scaffolding viewpoint was potentially unsafe and would not be used .
20 In some situations colonies of rabbits exist in areas where they have never had the need to construct a burrow for themselves .
21 He tried very hard not to cough like he 'd seen people cough in westerns when they tried whisky for the first time , and got away with just clearing his throat rather loudly ( he looked round at the curtains , afraid somebody might have heard ) .
22 It 's never tobacco or alcohol , the most dangerous addictive drugs around , which people have in mind when they refer , whether in jocose or deadly-serious vein , to a ‘ drugs problem ’ : it 's illegal drugs they are on about .
23 Yes I I do n't really want to respond to that other than to say that Bond End is d it 's still an extremely important consideration , it 's in the conservation area , it 's an important part of Knaresborough and it was obviously something that members had in mind when they they made their decision on on the relative merits .
24 It 's two years since the world recoiled in horror when they saw Ceaucescu 's orphans .
25 Despite the 1984 break with the IMF , economic stringency measures remained in force though they were gradually reduced in the following years .
26 And now , as they got back into the car , both men sat in silence as they watched the light switched on in the front bedroom — and then the curtains being drawn across .
27 The couple fell in love before they had even set eyes on each other during a six-month long distance courtship .
28 At home we have an impressive library of books , carefully selected to give our children the widest possible view of life : black families , single fathers , working mothers , girls rescuing the western world single-handed and boys moping in corners because they long for a doll .
29 Cities changed in appearance as they vied in creating huge " skyscraper " blocks .
30 Although many bad habits are formed in horses due to anxiety , occasionally bad habits develop in horses where they receive some tangible reward for their actions , like avoiding work or stealing food .
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