Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] bring [pron] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet , curiously , the science that has changed the presentation of text has brought it back under the control of a single person , just as it was when the first presses printed .
2 Money has driven them deeper into the planet , money has brought them down in the world …
3 Although the very thought of court action had brought him out in a cold sweat , the same grittiness which had enabled his father to jump ship and seek a new life now came to his rescue .
4 The water tanks will be covered and their insulation improved to bring them up to the latest standards .
5 Started by the present Baron 's father , who purchased most of the finest Old Master pictures , the present Baron has brought it back into single ownership by buying inherited paintings from his siblings .
6 Hello there … this week Summer Sport has brought us out to Herefordshire … we 're at Mansel Lacy … we 're going off road racing … so away we go …
7 The bloke says bring it down for today .
8 I had no idea that what was happening was my body trying to bring itself up to a natural weight rather than the unnatural , low one that I kept it at .
9 She could n't understand why the woman 's husband had brought her on to this hazardous planet .
10 Tony had had a bad start , 2 over after 5 , and Jack had brought it back to 1 again .
11 ‘ And Moses and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel , At even , then ye shall know that the Lord hath brought you out from the land of Egypt : And in the morning , then ye shall see the glory of the Lord ; for that he heareth your murmurings against the Lord : and what are we , that ye murmur against us ?
12 D'Arcy hated to bring him down to earth , but it had to be done .
13 The memory was only a couple of minutes old , but he felt that scrap of the past unravel to bring him back to the moment when she said , ‘ I 'd been out to meet someone .
14 At eighteen , in love with love , she 'd accepted his ring and walked on air until common sense had brought her down to earth and made her realise that marriage to him would be a total disaster .
15 He did a double stint of exercise until he was clammy with globules of sweat and then sluiced himself over from the two cold jugs of water Christine had brought him up after breakfast .
16 In the longer term , however , we know that the UFC intends to force down unit costs as part of the expansion process and that if we do not expand we will have funding removed to bring us down to the unit of resource of those who have .
17 Well no just screaming at the top of his voice , our Ben had to bring him down in the end and give him a drink and start again , even then I had to stay with him until he went to sleep
18 A spearman tried to bring him down with a lance thrust under the cuirass whilst another took a swing with a sword at the joints in the greaves on his legs .
19 ‘ Basic computer keyboard skills have to be there — we would n't want to go the lengths of having to train them on that — but training on our specialist software means bringing them in for a week and we 'll probably bring them in every three months to keep updating them . ’
20 It would have been better on water , Masklin was told later , but Shrub had brought them down on land .
21 A straight feminist had brought me out by telling him she ‘ thought ’ I was a lesbian .
22 But Chris — Chris had brought him back to life .
23 The Harvard Planning Office had brought him in on a dispute between the track coach and the builders of a new gymnasium , concerning the dimensions of the new indoor track .
24 A past boyfriend had brought it back from a holiday near Genoa .
25 Her mother had brought her up in the strict religion of the Mormon church , which made her very guilty about having sex .
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