Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] over [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This ambitious presentation of amateur radio to young people involves inviting Novice trainees , Scouts , Guides and ATC members to take part in amateur radio related activities arranged over a whole weekend plus some social activities .
2 When the sick and exhausted Armenians reached Beirut after the Ottoman collapse , they were allowed to build shacks on the swamps of Bourj Hammoud in the east of the city and then to erect houses which look to this day curiously Balkan , their wooden balconies hanging over the narrow streets of Camp Marash .
3 If six garages are now placed over the five cars on the top shelf ( leaving one garage empty ) , and four garages placed over the four cars on the bottom shelf ( all garages being full ) , then about one in three four-year-olds now maintain that the bottom shelf has more cars .
4 In the early spring , Peckham will meet the health minister , William Waldegrave , to present him with a set of firm plans developed over the past months .
5 The real fire-fight developed over the stricken Mowhawk which was hit several times and her captain R. F. Jolly , R. N. was fatally injured and a number of his crew killed .
6 The unity witnessed over the two days had been greater than he could ever have hoped for , and the remaining morning 's session of ‘ rounding up ’ would , he trusted , be rich in commitments on the part of participants concerning action each would be taking before the important international conference in Switzerland .
7 A similar area rich in both environmental and archaeological heritage lies over the Guatemalan frontier .
8 Dalrymple presided over the halcyon days of ‘ c'moan or get aff ’ until his retiral in 1926 , and Dalrymple 's days saw the expansion of the system to 100 miles of track and an annual profit , together with a yearly 300 MILLION passengers , not all on the one tram of course .
9 The remaining 17% occurred over the 10 seconds preceding the onset of the common cavity episode , being evenly distributed through this time .
10 At Christie 's , Noel Annesley presided over a satisfactory auction with his customary skill , a failing voice enhancing , rather than diminishing , his dry humour which maintained the momentum of the sale .
11 His burnished gold hair curled over the high collar of a royal blue coat , and he wore a black velvet waistcoat sprigged with silver leaves , an expensive-looking garment for a young physician unless he had private means .
12 For these species , therefore , about half of the bones expected to be present , based on the numbers of prey animals consumed over a measured period , were recovered from the pellets .
13 In a study undertaken over a two-week period , Tom Tadecki , research director of the International Coalition Against Violent Entertainment , found that more than 33 per cent of its programmes involved some form of aggression , with violent acts occurring at a rate of 10 per hour .
14 The plan has emerged from a comprehensive study undertaken over the last year , covering such aspects as geology , archaeology , nature conservation , recreation , education , traffic and landscape .
15 His bulk bulged over the invisible box he perched on .
16 Rory , using this , allowed the car to swing over the white line , invited all the hard lads and the death-wishers to flash and honk and snarl at him .
17 Dawn had begun to break , and daylight crept over the barren countryside .
18 A bitter smile crossed his face as his eyes ranged over the top men in the giant corporation .
19 Kathleen bent over the unconscious patient and sniffed .
20 There are simple spinelets scattered over the dorsal surface of the disk although they are often rubbed off in preserved specimens .
21 At the heart of the development a new glazed roof stands over the two-level shopping area .
22 It seemed downright immoral to torment the poor woman with questions now just for the sake of proving the Jaguar 's brakes were faulty or Fanshawe driving over the seventy limit .
23 Stack Rock won over the minimum trip at Newbury earlier in the season and , with rain forecast in the Haydock area , he should have everything in his favour today .
24 It takes nerve to haggle over the small print if you are told that your new colleagues have worked under similar terms for years without batting an eyelid .
25 Peat-stained hands , grace before the meal intoned in Gaelic , the taste of tea brewed over an open peat fire , and the smell of heather borne on a keen sea breeze .
26 His eyes flickered over the bulging hold-all .
27 Dennis presides over the walled garden , which supplies the kitchens at Highgrove and Kensington Palace and grows all the weird and wonderful varieties that the Prince acquires and delights in surprising his guests with .
28 When I looked carefully I could see lots of orange fragments scattered over the sodden grass and glistening brown earth of the field .
29 Meanwhile , IBM Corp shares plunged $5.50 to $72.50 on the day the company reported a stunning net loss after charges for the third quarter of $2,778m last week and scepticism rose over the prompt promise in the analysts ' call after the announcement that the dividend is safe .
30 Cornwall rallied with some sweeping drives , the Soviets losing their discipline and Rule slotting over the equalising penalty 13 minutes from time .
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