Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] that they [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most readers report that they infer from ( 9 ) that John is a schoolboy , among other things .
2 But even those who discard books forget that they exist in a real world and that the booksellers sell to real customers .
3 When Mrs Orton proposed that they listen to the Queen 's Speech on the radio , Bill 's only protest was to produce a bottle of brandy from his case , open one of his gift books , roll himself a cigarette with gift tobacco , lean back and stare covertly at his son .
4 As long ago as 1893 , I.S. Leadam demonstrated that they did in fact enjoy the protection of the courts .
5 Re-examination of volcanic rocks within the NRS shows that they fall into two groups : alkali-olivine basalts of within-plate type , and calcalkali lamprophyres .
6 Therefore , equity demands that they share in the total assets .
7 Encouraging authors to recognise that they live in a complex , multicultural society is one thing .
8 The overriding criterion of speed means that they have to be written in a traditional programming language , such as FORTRAN .
9 An ill-informed perception of schools suggests that they need to be ‘ protected ’ from the ‘ real ’ and harsh decisions involved in administering employment legislation , school meals , plant and buildings : ‘ they do not understand what we do , the services we undertake on their behalf , in order that they can get on with teaching the children . ’
10 Okay , now I 've just used this one example , but if you look at erm each other and one another there is also a reflective pronoun to find that they work in the same way in the appropriate antecedents and it also works for quantifier pronoun relations every girl admires herself which is fine but herself admired every girl does n't make a whole lot of sense .
11 Surely marriage and prostitution are separate and it insults marriage to infer that they thrive on one another ?
12 Three additional parents reported that they worked on contract at nuclear sites and had been monitored for exposure to radiation before their child was diagnosed ( one father of a case , after conception ; one father of a control , before conception ; one mother of a control , before conception ) .
13 Having examined how the law defines the ends for which directors must use their powers , we are now in a position to consider the law 's capacity to ensure that they act within the bounds laid down .
14 from the Conservatives saying that they believed in nursery education .
15 ‘ Whilst recognising that staff in other parts of AEA would undoubtedly be more concerned , he and his colleagues in the UK and overseas subsidiaries knew that they had to ‘ Keep their eye on the ball , push ahead with product development , sell hard and achieve their demanding targets for growth . ’
16 Critics of the Ellis-Beto era contend that they traded off abuse by staff for abuse by inmates , in order to achieve a controlled and disciplined prison environment .
17 In future EC airline pilots will be permitted to continue flying commercially between the ages of 60 and 65 years providing that they fly as part of a two- or three-pilot crew . Ed
18 The patterns are a recent innovation , probably inspired by the Japanese kata , although the Korean governing body states that they originate from ancient Korean martial skills .
19 We also booked hotels in advance , since the guidebooks said that they tended to be busy .
20 US officials admit that they knew about the coup plans as early as last Saturday , but say they were given little time to judge its chances of success or to plan any US involvement .
21 Size of establishment is associated with number of training programmes ( see Table 4 ) as one might expect it to be , although there are differences to be noted within authorities of similar size : while none of the large libraries said that they engaged in no planned training programmes , they did not fall into Category I ( Category I was 30 or more programmes and was a very broad grouping , with several libraries mentioning well over 100 programmes ) .
22 One particularly successful firm said that LEDU officials suggested that they relocate in Antrim , and that if they did they would be open to considerably more funding .
23 Ullman therefore suggests ( contra empiricists and Piaget ) that a baby — or , one might add , a kingfisher — can see that two appearances are views of one and the same object even if it has never seen that sort of object before , and even if it has no tactile or manipulative evidence suggesting that they pertain to one and the same thing .
24 Observations show that they persist in waking periodically , even if remaining quiet , and the establishment of uninterrupted night-time sleep is uncommon before three months of age .
25 Setting aside mathematics for the moment , the different levels can be seen in terms of scale ( which Hodgson 1985 neatly gives in centimetres ) , in terms of envelopes ( Needham 1969 ) or perhaps best in terms of levels of organization ( since physicists argue that they relate to ‘ all levels of scale ’ ; Institute of Physics 1988 , p. 2 ) .
26 All of us who recall our dreams recognize that they come in two different categories .
27 When Rose suggested that they write to Luke to ask him to meet Maggie off the train when she got to London Moran was furious .
28 The evidence suggests that they operate in a particular way , namely that there are predictable patterns in flows of support between older and younger generations , in which support flows in both directions , but on balance the older generation are the givers and the younger the receivers .
29 R.R. Darlington stressed that the ecclesiastical content of several tenth-century law codes suggests that they originated as the canons of synods. Æthelstan 's first code , for example , and his Ordinance on Charities , both say that they were framed on the advice of Archbishop Wulfhelm of Canterbury and other bishops , and the text known as I Edmund appears from its prologue to be a set of decisions taken purely by the ecclesiastical wing of the witan ( royal council ) ; they may eventually have been issued as a royal decree , but that I Edmund in its surviving form is something other than this is implied by the fifth chapter , which exhorts the king to put churches in order .
30 No doubt Cardiff feel that they have to be seen to be doing something to restore both their fortunes and their credibility and that the something should be suitably dramatic .
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