Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] he be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The fact that it lacked heraldry around it was a sign that he belonged to no particular lord , though the blue sash announced he was attached to the Household of Ralarth .
2 Mick thought : ‘ So Matt thinks he 's going to be an MP .
3 But as the months passed he was reduced to the expedient of holding his meetings in the street before small groups of the curious and the hostile .
4 Neil says he was subjected to a series of indecent assaults and beatings .
5 As his condition deteriorated he was sent to hospital where he is now being treated on a kidney dialysis machine .
6 ‘ He stared straight in my eyes like he was listening to me … as if he was considering things . ’
7 Richard knew he was related to Tory somehow , but was not sure if cousin was quite the right word .
8 Twice they had to stop because Richard thought he was going to be sick .
9 Prison authorities on the Rock said he was taken to hospital after guards spotted him about to make an attempt on his own life early on Sunday .
10 After his condition stabilised he was transferred to St Andrew 's Hospital , Billericay .
11 Susan Coltman , a long-standing friend of Paula , giving evidence on the third day of the trial , said Gilfoyle added he was training to be part of a specialist emergency team dealing specifically with suicides .
12 Zen thought he was going to be shown some decisive new piece of evidence , but Bartocci simply reached through the space left vacant on the shelf and with a grunt of effort manipulated a lever .
13 The Feldwebel said he was going to the lavatory .
14 Ernest says he 's going to be a leader of men ! ’
15 It took me a moment to realise he was talking to me .
16 Often meetings with ‘ advisers ’ can be counter productive and it will be desirable to bring you and , say , Mr [ Chief Executive ] into the picture so that the potential purchaser feels he is talking to a principal .
17 Geoffrey thinks he 's going to be charged with the murder .
18 I can not imagine what sort of place this gentleman imagined he was coming to in bringing the latter , but I must say it struck something of an odd note to see in Darlington Hall these two large silent men staring suspiciously in all directions a few yards from wherever the Italian gentleman happened to be .
19 It is sometimes argued that an experienced programmer can detect the ‘ general shape ’ of a particular high-level language X from blocks of machine code , just by hunch and judgement , but this ignores the possibility that the code may have been written in language Y with the syntactic style of X precisely in order to create this confusion ; just as one can murmur English with a German intonation and cause a distant listener to believe he is listening to unintelligible German .
20 Wyllie , who stood down as a candidate for the All Black job after a confidential letter from NZRFU Chairman Eddie Tonks criticising him was leaked to the press , returns to what he loves most , working with clubs to develop the skill and the knowledge of the average club player .
21 Mr Koc said he was taken to the airport by Mr Ata Nur Kuntar and given a packet containing £2,500 , plus an envelope with three £50 notes in it as pocket money .
22 Mr Koc said he was taken to the airport by Mr Ata Nur Kuntar and given a packet containing £2,500 , plus an envelope with three £50 notes in it as pocket money .
23 Your analogy would be more accurate if you 'd talked of a mechanic saying he was going to the boot of my car to check the battery , having of course meant to say the bonnet .
24 ‘ Help me ! ’ said a voice in his head , and Jack knew he was listening to one of the Ram children .
25 ( Another example could be my answering the telephone in a high voice so as to make the caller think he is speaking to my sister . )
26 With surprise , Juliet realised he was referring to his hospital episode , when she had nursed him for the last two weeks of his stay .
27 Why would a man like him be attracted to a girl who , for a lot of the time , looked rather like a gypsy ? those cool green eyes seemed to say .
28 Later when the prices soared he was said to be furious .
29 Gays thought he was going to be their president ; but so did blue-collar Catholic heterosexuals .
30 But this week Mr Milburn said he is writing to Mr Peter Lilley , trade and industry secretary , calling for a switch in status so more Government grants would be available .
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