Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] be [that] it be " in BNC.

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1 Working within this international world it is , of course , a great help if one speaks several languages , but my own experience has been that it is not the ability to speak another language , rare enough this essential tool of international business is amongst British people , but the experience of having lived and worked with people in another country which is the decisive factor .
2 The simplest answer to the question about what causes the sleep/wake rhythm to arise is that it is a reflection of the rhythmic world in which the newborn child has been placed and to which it begins to respond .
3 The only major critical point made was that it is difficult , particularly in broadly-based courses , for one ECA to have subject expertise across the full range of units .
4 One of the major criticisms of the battery cage has been that it is so small that the hens have no room to move or to perform their natural behaviour patterns .
5 One final point to remember is that it is very easy to overtrain the arms .
6 The conclusion drawn was that it was the fact that the group was working as a team that was important .
7 By my judgement as the amendment reflects is that it is n't necessary but if it were I would have no hesitation s whatsoever in increasing the level of taxation to pay for what needs to be paid for .
8 For the purposes of this book , the important point to grasp is that it is a way of studying social life that concentrates on the unwritten rules that make ordinary everyday social activity orderly , and tries to spell out these rules .
9 When war was first declared , and she was co-opted into the military , he imagined that her first reaction had been that it was typical of these men to mess up her promising career like that .
10 Another important point to note is that it is not necessary for the prosecution to prove that the defendant actually made use of the information at the time of the trades in question .
11 The real objection to the use of the statement may in any event have been that it was self-serving rather than that it was protected by privilege , which could have been waived by the defendant .
12 But my argument has been that it is not difficult to defend something roughly resembling the status quo rather than being bludgeoned into a guilty conscience by accepting that one is a covert elitist or racist .
13 The advantage the nationalist rhetoric and the nation statehood confers is that it is always legitimate , liquidating the nationals of other nation states , particularly in contention over a piece of territory .
14 The suggestion made was that it was not about economic development , but about buying off the nationalist community .
15 For most of the two centuries since that phenomenon began the conventional explanation has been that it was the new technology ( the spinning-jenny , the new weaving frames , and the steam engine ) which gave rise to the factory .
16 The reason for keeping women and men separated is that it is felt that a man can not concentrate on prayer when women are in close proximity .
17 An important thing to remember is that it is very hard to get HIV .
18 The only thing see is that it 's all my own tapes they 're such crap ones and like they just sound really bad when they 're recorded on .
19 In April , I did point out that if English Heritage ( the body responsible for the preservation of England 's built heritage ) were transferred to the new Department of National Heritage ( which is now the case ) , very careful consideration would need to be given to how planning is coped with , because one of the strengths of English Heritage had been that it was placed within the Department of the Environment where government planning takes place .
20 The premise behind the ability to waive is that it is only the individual who is concerned , and thus if he ‘ chooses ’ to ignore the interest then so much the worse for him .
21 That 's what Douglas said was that it 's T
22 Throughout , our view has been that it is teachers who are closest to children , and together with parents they are responsible for deciding how to use the tools at hand .
23 The most important fact to remember is that it is highly contagious and one case can very easily develop into a large outbreak unless prompt and very strict isolation of any case is done .
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