Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [been] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the former car works at Cowley is being demolished to make way for new development , but one building has been carefully taken down so it can be donated to the Oxford Bus Museum Trust .
2 Planning permission for a new kitchen was eventually granted for the listed building , and the wall between the dining room and kitchen has been partially knocked through to create a greater feeling of space .
3 With the development of the form of recklessness found in MPC v Caldwell [ 1982 ] AC 341 ( HL ) , which applies in this area ( Seymour [ 1983 ] 2 AC 493 ( HL ) ) there are now authorities to the effect that manslaughter by gross negligence has been totally swallowed up by reckless manslaughter : Kong Cheuk Kwan v R ( 1985 ) 82 Cr App R 18 ( PC ) and Goodfellow ( 1986 ) 83 Cr App R 23 ( CA ) .
4 The prime reason for this is that such warehouses have become machines and will only operate correctly if the logic for their function has been meticulously thought out , checked and rechecked .
5 Here , the only water is from artesian wells , now contaminated by the industrial effluent and the huge garbage-dump , where the rubbish from Nova Iguacu has been partly ploughed back into the disturbed hillside .
6 It is uncertain whether an application for extension of time can possibly be made once an action has been automatically struck out .
7 A sudden emergency may make a situation far more complicated to deal with if no plan of action has been previously thought over .
8 The yard at the side had been roughly roofed over with corrugated iron ; it was not entirely waterproof as buckets and other containers were dotted around the floor to catch the drips .
9 The 25-year-old Dublin soldier had been virtually written off in the welterweight division .
10 The agent was older than her father , but Hyacinth had been well brought up , and at least it was an escape from the national chairman ; prettily she agreed to dance with him .
11 He said the plans for pedestrianisation had been badly thought out and should be scrapped before what he described as ‘ inevitable chaos ’ began .
12 The last active reactor had been shut down in August 1988 , following a still unexplained power surge which , according to a report published in March 1989 , had resulted in the destruction of two heat exchangers ; two other reactors had been shut down previously and the remaining two reactors at the huge , 37-year-old complex had been permanently shut down earlier for safety reasons .
13 The tenants ' rent books had been correctly marked up by her , but she had put different figures into the ledger and cash book .
14 It is fair to claim that those words have been amply borne out in the intervening period and are confirmed again in this order .
15 Once the tactics have been carefully typed in , the match starts .
16 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
17 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
18 Work has been temporarily held up as old drains are discovered and re-routed .
19 But I am sad that the compensation has been cleverly worked out so we receive very little . ’
20 The naivety of Irish politicians in dealing with the foreign mining companies has been excellently summed up by O Faircheallaigh : Irish politicians ' ’ response … to this situation was to accept as valid the mining industry 's account of what it needed .
21 " There are some places in the Adriatic where marine life at the sea bottom has been completely wiped out " , says Civilis. * Ecologists gathered in Nice have called for the creation of an " international reserve of the western Mediterranean " , aimed in particular at protecting marine life from over-fishing , notably by the use of driftnets .
22 The roadbridge survives today , but the cutting has been completely filled in and no trace remains of the station .
23 This immediately limited the number of towns that could be planned , for most English towns have developed from villages , and their sites had been partly built on for centuries before they developed into towns .
24 Stating that the criteria for evaluating of public enterprises had been " designed more to ensure the success of the [ privatization ] operation rather than its profitability " , the commission claimed that state companies had been deliberately undervalued by between F8,300 million and F19,600 million .
25 Then a Leed rang up saying that he was there and that the particular aviatical chant in question had been initially struck up by the away end , and only joined in by a shameful minority ( ahem ) of Leeds fans .
26 However , the promoter , who preferred to remain anonymous , issued a statement to NME claiming : ‘ There is no objection raised by local promoters — far from it — promoters have been severely f—ed around by an ‘ artiste ’ who has no consideration for his fans or the people who have put work into this tour .
27 On the one hand their targets have been increased by agreement with the relevant Heads of Departments/Schools , in one case to a figure as high as 66 per cent of the home target , and on the other hand some offer ratios have been varyingly revised down .
28 In Ireland , the coverage of unions is now so extensive that the loan sharks have been almost driven out of business .
29 These functions have been well carried out by Baedeker guides since the foundation of the German firm in the first part of the nineteenth century .
30 Yet many easterners complain that , since their revolutions began in 1989 , the Community has been too wrapped up in its own affairs to give them the attention they deserve .
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