Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [been] [adj] to [det] " in BNC.

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1 Rubella ( German measles ) can cause devastating damage to the fetus in early pregnancy and girls who have not had an attack of this disease by the age of puberty are offered immunisation against this virus so that any baby conceived would be protected , although this should soon be rare in the UK because from 1988 , MMR ( measles , mumps , rubella ) protection has been available to all infants .
2 McLaren boss Teddy Mayer as much as admitted at the end of 1975 that he thought Emerson wanted to move — or that he was in personal trouble of one kind and another — but the official news reached Hunt before it got to the team , and got to Hunt through Domingos Piedade , an eccentric figure close to the cheerful groupie Googie Zanon , a wealthy ( textiles ) Italian aristocrat whose support has been crucial to many drivers at critical points in their career , then ‘ manager ’ to Emerson and now to Ayrton Senna — a fringe career from which Domingos , hugely personable , but also often more a talker than a doer , has made a more than reasonable living .
3 The approach of the police to the investigation of rape cases has been subject to much criticism — and then to considerable improvement — and it seems quite possible that these improvements , together with the advent of rape-crisis centres and victim-support facilities , have led more women to report rapes than did so formerly .
4 ‘ Being in Brighton has been beneficial to all of us , the food is good and we have trained on the Downs , ’ said Tolstikov , who could have expected more recognition at home following last year 's London win but instead found life harder , not better .
5 The ratio of locals to newcomers in the village today depends not only on the accessibility to nearby urban centres , but , now that most of lowland England has been subject to these changes , by the mixture of housing which each village contains .
6 If it released the figures before it would be obvious to everyone that Mr Hyams ' management philosophy had been superior to that of MEPC 's .
7 Retirement has been central to all of these , although the complexity of its impact has yet to be fully explored .
8 He claimed that the military significance of Porkkala for the USSR had been similar to that of Guantanamo for the United States .
9 The origin of its universal nickname has been open to much debate .
10 Most trade unionists had been indifferent to any political theory beyond an instinctive syndicalism which was itself largely confined to industrial disputes .
11 We can see that the Government law and order policy has been irrelevant to all crime , including upper-world crime , and indeed that its social and economic policy has caused the crime rate to rise .
12 Although President Bush has been opposed to any such deal , Miami lawyers acting for Gen Noriega and leading US senators have been exploring the possibility of an agreement that could lead to a ceasefire and freedom for the American hostages .
13 Some governing bodies have been sensitive to this danger and have established committees and structures involving teachers other than the teacher-governors .
14 The Conservative government has been sympathetic to these concerns and has launched a fierce rhetorical offensive against social liberalism , initiating or supporting measures designed to police the moral boundaries .
15 In fact , life 's been good to both of us since we came to Swinbrook . ’
16 My daughter had a wooden train set when she was a toddler ; construction toys have been available to both children , so we have dolls ' cots and buggies , plastic swords , sewing cards , cars and garages .
17 The reasons for this diversity have been subject to much debate ( section 2.4.2 ) and while it is not yet resolved , the fact remains that such forests house a huge genetic resource that has only been fractionally realised to yield what have ultimately become significant commercial products such as rubber .
18 In some other countries , such as the southern African nations , the situation has been similar to that of some parts of Latin America , but there has been more freedom in recent months .
19 In some other countries , such as the southern African nations , the situation has been similar to that of some parts of Latin America , but there has been more freedom in recent months .
20 There is his Author 's Note to Victorious Troy to assure us that he has spoken with a boy whose experience had been similar to that of Dick Pomfret and that cases where dismasted sailing ships without officers had been brought to port by boys were not unknown , but we hardly need this assurance in order to believe that Dick , not unaided but with a responsibility beyond his years , did in fact bring the Hurrying Angel home in the end .
21 Agribusiness that operates in sectors marked by seasonal fluctuations has been prone to this sort of employment .
22 He argues that ‘ the failure of both disputes revealed and reproduced the regional nature of management-labour relations in the industry ’ ( p. 35 ) , because ‘ miners ’ interpretations of the two disputes , and of the underlying arguments , are understood as embedded in the nature of collective social relations at work … the constitution of workplace relations has varied between coalfields and … variations in management and labour strategies have been central to this process ' ( p. 36 ) .
23 This increase in the money supply has been disproportionate to that in any other West European or North American country .
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