Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [been] hold [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Pedalling an auto-assisted bicycle without starting the engine has been held to be driving away .
2 Even the shape and colour of an article have been held to be acceptable as trade marks .
3 In a number of decided cases a landlord has been held to be acting reasonably in refusing consent in these circumstances :
4 In civil proceedings similar fact evidence has been held to be admissible where logically relevant provided that this will not be oppressive or unfair to the party concerned ( Mood Music Publishing v De Wolfe Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 Ch 119 ) .
5 It is not , however , necessary that the defendant should assert rights of ownership over the goods : taking for the purposes of acquiring a lien or of temporary use have been held to be conversion .
6 For that God has been conceived as male , and that biblical teaching which arose out of a patriarchal society has been held to be the revelation of God , must surely be seen to be the underlying facts of western culture which have led to discrimination against women .
7 ( b ) Public interest privilege Certain information has been held to be privileged because there is a public interest in maintaining its confidentiality .
8 As for animals belonging to a dangerous species , a camel has been held to be such because it may cause severe injury by kicking and biting , but strict liability was imposed for injuries suffered by falling off the camel because of its irregular gait .
9 If a duty had been held to be owed to Dick then the occupier had cause to appreciate the presence of the child and the premises would have to be reasonably safe for a child trespasser and an obstacle to entry erected .
10 Both assault and battery have been held to be statutory offences : DPP v Little ( 1991 ) 141 NLJ 965 ( DC ) .
11 Newspaper articles criticising M.P.s have been held to be a contempt .
12 For instance , Heisenberg 's indeterminacy principle has been held to be a reason to reject the Law of Excluded Middle .
13 Many countries , mainly those in the civil law tradition , have made this declaration , including Belgium , Czechoslovakia , Egypt , France , Germany , Luxembourg , Norway , Portugal , Seychelles and Turkey ( but not Italy ) ; accordingly an attempt to serve process via a United States Vice-Consul in the German Federal Republic has been held to be ineffective and the Netherlands Ministry of External Affairs was held to have acted properly when it refused to accept a document intended for service via the diplomatic channel on a defendant in France .
14 Thus , natural justice has been held to be applicable to cases of disciplinary action within a university and to expulsion for failure in examinations , although in the latter case the examiners had based their decision on the personal attributes of the candidate as well as exam marks .
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