Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [Wh det] it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The openly aggressive posture of fascist Germany to the revolutionary communist state , its frequently proclaimed intention to exterminate what it perceived as the sickness of communism , inevitably mobilised support for the defence of threatened revolutionary ideals .
2 THE Equal Opportunities Commission yesterday failed in its Court of Appeal bid to stop what it views as unlawful discrimination against part-time workers .
3 Aachen-based Parsytec GmbH has what it claims to be the world 's first high performance parallel desktop system , the Xplorer , based on the Inmos T9000 .
4 If this Council means what it says about devolution and customer er customer contracts , it must begin to see that the over-riding need for local divisional pay determination and sub-divisional pay determination that relates reward to the volume , value and standard of service delivered .
5 We 've had a preview to see what it looks like .
6 I would simply have to twist my head during copulation to see what it looked like .
7 But in a society where the official rate of unemployment doubled between 1979 and 1981 , from 5.3 per cent to 10.4 per cent and reached over 3.5 million or nearly 15 per cent during 1986 , where the Government , in the name of the market , is committed to weakening the ability of workers to defend their jobs , where the Government , in its desire to break what it sees as the ‘ dependency culture ’ , has systematically set about dismantling the welfare provisions which protected the poorest and weakest in society , where the Government , as part of its programme to establish a new thrusting entrepreneurial society , has encouraged a widening of differentials in income and wealth , we would expect the societal tensions produced to be expressed in , among other things , rising levels of crime .
8 ‘ Why should terrorists care what it looks like — as long as they get their money , or whatever they 're after ? ’
9 The Supreme Court rejected what it characterised as the ‘ extreme position ’ that the Convention was exclusive and mandatory .
10 In France the Third Republic inherited from the old monarchy and the Second Empire a long tradition of such support for Catholic missions in the Near East and China and showed itself as willing as its predecessors to shoulder what it felt to be its obligations in this respect .
11 Schering disclosed what it regarded as confidential information to Falkman and the expert for this purpose .
12 By 1983 , the government seemed resigned to the continuation of the rates and sought other ways to curb what it perceived as the excessive expenditure of some local authorities ( see pages 185 — 9 ) .
13 ‘ It is entirely up to the local education authority to decide what it considered to be the child 's needs , ’ the judge said .
14 God knows what it felt like from the inside .
15 But in mine — and in my grandmother 's — a woman knows what it means to be a lady . ’
16 A third party may of course make diplomatic representations or bring pressure to bear upon a State to perform what it perceives to be that State 's treaty obligations with another State , although such action is likely to be resented as unwarranted interference in external affairs .
17 This answer is worked out in detail as the Essay proceeds , but it is important at the outset to see what it amounts to .
18 What the world is saying Former Bonn ambassador writes What it means for arms control All to hail , and all to play for WSLeader Comment , page 22
19 ‘ It is reasonable for the Hong Kong government to do what it believes to be in the best interests of the people of Hong Kong . ’
20 The government criticized what it saw as contradictions within the environmentalist stance .
21 THE City got what it wanted with a 1% cut in interest rates .
22 But it is important that these arguments do not lead the world to forget what it learned about aid during the past 30 years .
23 That 's , but that is the hardest thing , now the hard thing about that is not actual complex numbers , it 's sort of these equations which is something else you 've done , equations , but the other one , have n't really got time , the other one complex numbers said what it said to given by that , you 've got to draw them two on a diagram , that , very very slow , calculate the modules as Z more minus Z two , what work is what Z one minus two is , they work in modules .
24 The principle involves what it means to be a follower of Christ , for as a Christian all your relationships relate as much to God as to men .
25 But it is not possible to look beyond the world in order to see what it depends upon directly .
26 Finally , it is of great importance to discover more about how the listener 's brain identifies what it receives from the ear ( stages 4 and 5 ) ; many experiments have shown how sensitive we are to very slight acoustic differences and how flexible we are in being able to adjust to very different speakers .
27 The very idea of the ‘ comprador bourgeoisie , ’ central to the dependency approach , appears to have fallen into disuse in recent years and there have been various attempts to reconceptualize what it refers to .
28 Skin absorbs what it needs within around ten minutes , so any greasiness left after this means you 're applying too much . ’
29 After that , Emmie tried hard to keep the big kitchen clean ; Marjorie could hardly go poking round the rest of the house to see what it looked like .
30 The end of active hostilities between Chad and Libya in September 1987 ( see pp. 35876-79 ) , and the formal declaration of Oct. 3 , 1988 , that their war was at an end ( see p. 36256 ) , made it possible for the Habre regime to pursue what it described as a policy of " national reconciliation " with the many groups and factions which had come into being during the country 's protracted civil war .
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