Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [vb pp] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hewlett-Packard Co has swung back on the offensive in the US with a predatory enhanced workstation trade-in programme , which it says accepts the broadest range of workstations , personal computers and X terminals in part exchange for new Precision Architecture RISC workstations and X stations .
2 probably , a bar with nuts and raisins called raisin natural bar I 'm sorry about loo loosing the keys mum , mum tt the noise has gone the noise has come back by the way
3 Osaka has fought back with a splurge of infrastructure projects , most notably a new international airport perched upon a man-made island .
4 In the 5 years with Maxwell junior at the helm , the club has dropped back into the second division and shows debts of up to £4.5 million .
5 The Gold Coast had fallen back from the situation 50 years earlier when English-educated Africans had played a leading part in administration , Christian leadership , the judiciary and the learned professions .
6 Shiona had smiled back at the fair-haired youth who had so recently become her brother .
7 Back inside , Rafiq had gone back to the thousand-dollar question .
8 Major debt defaults in Mexico and Brazil had prompted a worldwide retreat from international bank lending and the virtual collapse of the syndicated loan market ; since then , unofficial observers estimated that some $45,000 million of net development capital aid had flowed back from the borrowing countries and towards the lenders .
9 PKK members had attacked a gendarmerie post in Sirnak 's Uludere district , and officials reported that surviving PKK fighters had fled back across the border into Iraq .
10 As I entered , Miss Kenton had turned back to the window .
11 At the 18th green Manuel and Andy had walked back to the marked circle .
12 The men on the fence had disappeared back into the trees .
13 " That 's O.K. , " said Marion , but by then Sue had gone back into the shop .
14 Toby had come back for the moment .
15 Unlike Eb , Josh had come back from the war in one piece , hale and hearty .
16 Traders have hit back with a T shirt campaign , warning town shoppers and town planners alike of what they see as a threat to the very fabric of the town centre .
17 The actor who played Dirty Den in Eastenders has gone back to the prison where he was once an inmate .
18 Mark Frost has gone back as a bowler , though of course he could come again .
19 Fenella had gone back to the bed-chamber and pulled on her boots and found the warm woollen cloak she had brought from Renascia while Caspar had raided the sculleries and packed the maps .
20 Turner had faced back towards the exit from the yard , but he hesitated , saying , ‘ I know what your game is , Doyle .
21 Fergus had fallen back across the table and Taliesin and Fribble both moved to stand between him and the Lad .
22 Fergus had gone back into a deep sleep .
23 Loretta had wandered back into the drawing-room , and was chatting to a classics don who taught at the same college as Bridget .
24 THE QE2 's owners Cunard have hit back after a US federal review board blamed confusion and poor communication for the world 's largest liner running aground off the US east coast last summer .
25 What was it Graham had said back at the Windorah about Barak ?
26 They drank whisky and cider , watched pornogrhapic videos that the teacher had brought back from a holiday in Germany .
27 Before that the village 's only successful days had occurred back in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries , when it was a centre of the Basque whaling trade .
28 Having escorted Felicity Suvarov around St Mark 's cathedral , Julia had gone back to the Danieli hotel and shared some lunch with her .
29 Thus was sexual liberation defined by an almost exclusively male heterosexual group , drawing on old subversions — Dada , Surrealism , Beat , Situationism — diffused through the mass-market expansion into commercial sex that Playboy had pioneered back in the 1950s .
30 Helen had scrambled back over the wall .
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