Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [vb pp] [adv prt] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously a lot of this racism has seeped down from the top ; for example the police are part of a racist legal system so you 've got to expect them to hold those views .
2 IN THE first part of this book Michael Shallis gives an interesting non-technical account of how modern physics has gone on from the common-sense notion of time to a whole series of fundamental changes .
3 It is undoubtedly a good thing that royal reporting has moved on from the tradition of deferential reverence in which James Whitaker first learned his trade .
4 The Gold Coast had fallen back from the situation 50 years earlier when English-educated Africans had played a leading part in administration , Christian leadership , the judiciary and the learned professions .
5 Major debt defaults in Mexico and Brazil had prompted a worldwide retreat from international bank lending and the virtual collapse of the syndicated loan market ; since then , unofficial observers estimated that some $45,000 million of net development capital aid had flowed back from the borrowing countries and towards the lenders .
6 Unlike Eb , Josh had come back from the war in one piece , hale and hearty .
7 But perhaps the machine has taken over from the individual .
8 Ray had come in from the country bank and we sat with Margaret through the short service .
9 Another dragon had peeled off from the circling dots overhead and was gliding towards them .
10 The Beatles had taken over from the Rolling Stones , but Gabriel , used to pop boiling over all around her , did not notice .
11 Aga-sagas have taken over from the steamy sex bonkbusters of the Eighties .
12 Whereas the bulk of athletes being attracted to this new four-pronged sport have spilled over from the more established triathlon ranks , and so have found the canoeing discipline particularly tough , Graham has the advantage of a fine record with the paddle .
13 However , since personal and social difficulties are experienced by most people , the problems addressed in primary prevention in social work also include those complex processes whereby individuals become separated out from the general population , entering client careers with welfare agencies ( Greenley and Kirk , 1973 ; Hardiker and Barker , 1985 ) .
14 When Petion returned , Ace had brought out from the TARDIS the four Vickers guns that she had liberated from the palace armoury , and was checking their actions for signs of wear or damage .
15 They drank whisky and cider , watched pornogrhapic videos that the teacher had brought back from a holiday in Germany .
16 Said his friend-cum-mentor , Irving Layton , in looking back over the period , ‘ I had a very sharp feeling in the early fifties that poetry in Canada had come in from the cold and was starting to gain momentum . ’
17 Louis had come up from the saloon .
18 Her garter belt was a pre-war birthday present , and she wore a pair of the precious nylons that Sylvia had brought back from the States .
19 Here , black has come up from the streets and into the drawing room ; overleaf , neutral tones assert themselves .
20 How this name originated I have no idea , but I do know that it has been around for many generations for a jingle about this name has come down from the 19th century and it went : " Old Cribb , Young Cribb and Young Cribbs Son , if it had n't a been for Old Cribb there would n't have been none " .
21 Although Simmel is quoted , there is none of the subtlety of his analysis of the necessary contradictions of industrial society , and the emphasis on goals of happy homes and cohesive families appears cut off from the wider realms of social action .
22 He heats each portion in a bowl of hot water kept topped up from a boiling kettle before making the wax balls , the names tightly sealed inside .
23 I immediately asked Dennis if he was OK , and pointed out that I thought that the ball had jumped up from a good length .
24 In the heat of a sultry evening , Britain had the fitness and the heart to outlast the clever Koreans and it was Sixsmith who got the winner , poaching in the area after the ball had pinballed around from a short corner .
25 A uniformed policeman had stepped out from the kerb up ahead and was waving them into a side road .
26 At the capitalization party a number of well-wishers had wandered in from the various Labour movement campaigns and organizations which shared the Caxton House office block with NoS .
27 ‘ It was bucketing rain , and in the rain the leeches had climbed up from the water into the trees as well .
28 A lot of flood water had come down from the upper reaches of the Cherwell , and a body placed in the river , say , at Lonsdale Road …
29 Those people whose families had moved out from the inner areas still retained some ties with relatives in the inner city , but clearly such ties are by definition weaker in quality than ties with immediate neighbours , and they were dismissed as relatively weak in our inner-city network analysis .
30 John Ensall said residual problems had hung over from the change in working arrangements introduced in January .
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