Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] out the " in BNC.

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1 When , at the end of July and the beginning of August 1943 , four RAF raids practically wiped out the centre of Hamburg — Germany 's second city — in fire-storms , killing some 40,000 people , rumours spread that unrest had had to be put down by the police and SA or Wehrmacht , and that there was a ‘ November mood ’ — an allusion to the revolutionary mood of November 1918 — in the Reich which would rise up against the unbearable air raids .
2 And David Goldsmith has also sorted out the best buys in powder snow equipment , so you are prepared for the exhilaration .
3 But contractors for the Re-Roof Housing Association have now sorted out the problems .
4 Historic Scotland has recently spelt out the service standards customers can expect from it with the publication of a new charter leaflet .
5 His brilliant work has already brought out the very best in Brigitte Bardot , Raquel Welch , Britt Ekland and his former wife Faye Dunaway , among countless Hollywood stars .
6 The Security Council has wisely ruled out the death penalty , however much it might seem justified as retribution .
7 Unisys Corp is slowly settling on Staffware as its workflow automation software , Unisys Information Systems having pledged to make it their only workflow offering , renamed their Staffware-derived OFIS Procedures product back to the generic labelling Staffware and a co-marketing agreement with the Staffware company : Staffware has also nosed out the Dublin-created Workhorse workflow software at Imix , Arix 's imaging arm , in Imix' Supervision integrated imaging and workflow system .
8 It was n't his fault that powerful and doting parents had systematically brought out the worst in him .
9 This did not mean their parents had happily shelled out the £2,000 for the trip — many had been sponsored by local firms and one girl had taken out a bank loan .
10 Glaciers have also gouged out the weaker rock along the lines of ancient faults , and deepened the existing valleys there .
11 In 30 years no band has ever come out the system alive .
12 Classical structuralism had already ruled out the possibility of explaining texts in terms of an author or a reality external to them , but its use of the linguistic analogy and its construction of a poetics had the effect of turning language and poetics into origins for literature .
13 Drake and Jewsbury have already tried out the copper-impregnated glass in Zambia , and plan to return there this year to carry out large-scale trials in village ponds and streams .
14 Catherine had barely set out the pens and Pencils on her desk , when the editor pushed open the door .
15 The commission has also thrown out the idea , put forward by some industrialists and businessmen , that special provision is needed for computer fraud .
16 The instructor may have been wondering if the height was going to be sufficient for a normal approach even though the student had already cut out the base leg to make a 180° turn on to finals .
17 Although HP has already carried out the main task of porting Unicenter to a RISC platform , the Sun port involves the move from a Berkeley-based operating system over to V.4 , as well as the work involved in supporting Solaris value-add .
18 All the good timber had been felled and sold in the 1930s and saplings had quickly crowded out the original vistas .
19 Lonrho had just bought out the brewing concern Heinrichs , which in 1964 had started another daily , called the Zambia Times , and a weekly , the Zambia News .
20 Objectivity of the scientific and economic ilk has progressively driven out the Utopianism which had previously permeated science and technology .
21 Markets have always sought out the most profitable locations , and this has inevitably created problems for declining areas .
22 A survey has found just two white rhinoceroses in Hwange National Park , Zimbabwe , raising fears that poachers have virtually wiped out the animal in the country 's main game reserve .
23 If the patient has successfully carried out the task that was agreed he should now be helped to plan what to do before the next session .
24 Karrimor is promoting its Adventure Travel range , which includes the excellent Tinamou trousers ( £33 ) , and Rohan has just brought out the tracksuit-style Gobi pants ( £35 ) , which are half the weight of their original Bags .
25 The company has recently carried out the £2m contract to provide brickwork and blockwork for Conder on its Teesside Retail Park scheme .
26 In many areas of the country black clouds had completely blocked out the sun , and noxious gases were making normal life impossible .
27 The two clubs have obviously sorted out the wide gap between their respective ideas of the compensation Stoke should receive and it 's now become clear that Macari will be allowed to negotiate his new terms WITH Stoke City 's approval .
28 LORD Spencer 's death has again brought out the busybodies of the art world .
29 My Early Intermediates had unwittingly pointed out the parallels between Karen 's refusal to ‘ go behind Dennis 's back ’ and the recorded conversation about money and shopping I had played them .
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