Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 It would not be appropriate in a book of this kind to go into details over the clinical manifestations and classifications of mental disorder , although the booklist at the end of the chapter contains some introductory reading on the subject .
2 THE Government yesterday took the unprecedented step of releasing more confidential correspondence between Lord Young and British Aerospace , revealing new details of secret tax breaks and private concessions given by ministers over the Rover deal .
3 Walks extend for miles over the hill-tops ; the great beauty of which is their wild simplicity : they are perfectly smooth , without rocks .
4 With our Association growing in numbers over the years , to what seems to be a plateau of about 1200 members , the collective voice has been heard , especially since some of those members are Community , District and Borough Councils ; as well as various clubs and businesses .
5 Fourth , it seems that , as with parents and children , we need to be aware that there are likely to be quite wide fluctuations in support passing between siblings over the lifetime of each .
6 An amputee , she could not yet accustom herself to what was lost and gone , lost as her parents scattered in fragments over the Nevada desert .
7 The Reverend Derek Edwards , Vice-Chairman of the South Ronaldsay Parents ' Action Committee , and a Baptist Minister , voiced his concern that belief in large-scale ritual sexual abuse grows within agencies over the months and years .
8 Conti , of Hampstead , north London , was speaking at the unveiling of the BBC 's £27 million package of films , comedy and drama to pull in viewers over the festive period .
9 The annual report of Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution has predicted a sharp rise in the number of prosecutions made against polluters over the next year .
10 In previous studies no clearly identifiable risk factors for colorectal cancer have been found except age ( 94% of new colorectal carcinoma occurs in patients over the age of 50 years ) , and family history .
11 There was a local tradition that Gloucester and the Stanleys came to blows over the division of authority , and their continuing rivalry may lie behind a royal command in 1476 that the tenants of Congleton should attend ‘ only upon the king 's highness and in his absence upon the lord Stanley ’ .
12 There was a local tradition that Gloucester and the Stanleys came to blows over the division of authority , and their continuing rivalry may lie behind a royal command in 1476 that the tenants of Congleton should attend ‘ only upon the king 's highness and in his absence upon the lord Stanley ’ .
13 There are many options open to the tourist — from car hire , coach tours and steamer trips to flights over the glaciers in a seaplane .
14 The Susweca Lounge consisted of thirty or so small round tables on an enormous covered veranda built on stilts over the water .
15 Preincubation was usually continued for a further 10 minutes , and then agonists were added to the suspensions and the change in cyclic AMP content recorded at intervals over the following 30 minutes .
16 His fingers on the strings hovered like butterflies over a flowerbed on a day of hot summer .
17 These factors contribute to the difficulties experienced by families in performing their caring functions , in turn increasing the likelihood of unfulfilled need and frustration developing within families over the care of older , dependent relatives .
18 My lack of culinary expertise has always been a source of great mirth to the men in my life and my well-attended failures embroidered into legends over the years , so I was prepared for the banter that accompanied dinner .
19 During May divisions emerged among Palestinians over the response to Israel 's April offer to hold municipal elections in the occupied territories [ see p. 38885 ] .
20 We agree that in broad terms the mean number of heterosexual partners reported by men must be equal to the mean number reported by women over a specified time interval in a closed population .
21 We had shrimps for tea , watercress , celery stacked in a glass jug , fishpaste sandwiches , flan made from the blackberries hanging in thickets over the back garden fence from the wild common beyond .
22 The Scottish experience shows the enormous increase in the amounts owed by clients over the three years of the study .
23 Taxing all health in-surance benefits provided by employers over a basic insurance package would reduce some inequities at the high end while producing revenues to help small employers and self employed workers to buy insurance .
24 The existence of internal labour markets is sometimes used to explain labour ‘ hoarding ’ ( the practice of employing more labour than is actually required ) because firms do not wish to break the link between workers and the firm , thereby losing the skills acquired by workers over the years ; and is also put forward as a cause of a reduction in the overall level of competition in the aggregate labour market and , therefore , a possible reason for the inflexibility of wage rates , particularly in the downward direction .
25 Could the bursts of gamma rays detected by astronomers over the past decade , and still not accounted for , possibly be white holes ?
26 The sailors swarmed like ants over the rigging … she 'd seen them many a time .
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