Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Too late department : leading wearers of dust-masks ALTERN 8 took the stage at Stafford 's Bingley Hall last weekend with a special guest star , an African witch-doctor flown in specially for the occasion .
2 The results will be updated to include the additional returns referred to above in a second interim report planned for June 1985 , along with information on the findings of a follow-up survey that is to take place in Spring 1985 .
3 For example , the management information function referred to frequently in the chart did not exist in most Colleges before the study was carried out , but appeared to be essential for effective operation in the future .
4 The line screamed out as Trent beat to windward off the reef .
5 In addition , ex vivo platelet aggregation to ADP and adrenaline was significantly reduced in diabetic subjects treated for up to a year with therapeutic doses of gliclazide ( Poari et al , 1979 ) .
6 Branches report from all over the UK on the interest and help provided by the management and staff of Cannon Cinemas , and the company 's support is gratefully acknowledged by Central Council .
7 Competition in the Merseyside championships at Bebington starts at 10am with the boys hammer and junior girls high jump events , and is scheduled to finish just before 6 pm .
8 Voices came from somewhere at the back — probably the kitchen : families seem to favour the kitchen as an assembly point in times of crisis .
9 Speakers came from all over the world thanks to new and generous sponsorship from British Airways .
10 He felt as if he were in a trance , speaking the words of someone else ; the pressure of this rare ocean heave of happiness had re-baptised him , and the words came from out of the air .
11 On the contrary , I found it fairly positive to announce that complaints were down to one ( now doubled ) ; that in recession 1,266 entries were judged ; that entries came from all over the world ; that the system had changed in direct response to comments made by members .
12 The tank is a pleasure to look at even without the fish .
13 Finally , of course , there was no market research pointing to where in the entire continent would be the most suitable place to start .
14 With the briefest of intros emanating from somewhere in the swathe of dry ice , The Bunnymen arrived to polite applause and tore into a set devoid of any material dating back to the days of Ian McCulloch .
15 In some cases an experiment in progress was transformed in design and intention by a result coming from elsewhere in the lab .
16 ‘ Now he 's in a side that is going well , with goals coming from all over the team .
17 When she closed the door after letting Ellwood in , her eyes went at once to the document case .
18 As a boy at Halton I had devoured every book available on the exploits of the RFC in World War I and my mind went at once to the great deeds of Ball , Bishop , McCudden , Mannock — why not Mahaddie , I thought ?
19 Inside , a lamp hanging from the apex of the roof was still lit , and because he had n't closed his mosquito curtain , her eyes fell at once on the slender golden body of Ngo Van Loc 's wife spread-eagled beneath him on his cot .
20 CARNIVAL organiser Tex Flint said : ‘ Floats come from all over the country to take part in the festivities , but sadly some criminals also come for their own reasons . ’
21 Opera fans come from all over the country to see open-air performances in a unique setting .
22 Entries come from all over the country to take part in the run — from Epsom Downs to Brighton — and there were also several entries from the continent , the US and Australia .
23 The neighbourhood changed about here as a stream of heavy traffic turned towards the old Woolwich Arsenal , depression on one side and the beginning of suburban prosperity on the other .
24 Willie Learmouth the session clerk came by today for the Intimations and he 's an awful nice man , one of Nature 's Gentlemen , went to Allan Glen 's when that meant something , his wife 's got a plastic hip but you never hear him complain , anyway he sat down to a wee cup of tea and naturally he could not resist my all butter shortbread ‘ Nettie , ’ says he , ‘ your petticoat tails would melt in a man 's mouth . ’
25 It far exceeded anything of the kind done before anywhere in the world , and combined grace of design with several novel features in the construction .
26 As predicted last week after the document was widely leaked , here 's what the changes will mean : Gloucestershire is at present made of up of the County Council and six District Councils .
27 On this road , for instance , you quickly come , after you have left Laruns , to Eaux-Chaudes , one of a pair of local resorts , which Beachcomber refers to grumpily as a ‘ hell-hole ’ .
28 By the late tenth century the coronation service included a royal promise to provide peace for the nation , to forbid wrongdoing , and to guarantee just judgements , all matters referred to elsewhere in the service too .
29 Let a tortoise loose in there for an hour or two .
30 Abandoning his landing party , Emden 's captain Karl von Muller made at once for the open sea and opened fire with his ten 10.5cm guns , destroying Sydney 's fire-direction system .
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