Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [noun] were [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the plus side was the fact that the Foreign Office and the years spent in Cabinet were a good apprenticeship , while in addition I had never been afraid of taking decisions .
2 But poems set to music were the ultimate challenge ; love poems or poems of great events ; deeds of valour , victories , tragedies .
3 The two main reforms announced by Chidambaram were the withdrawal of subsidies on exports and the linking of foreign-exchange allocations for imports to export sales .
4 Apart from the continued seizure of cultivable land by the authorities , the main problems faced by farmers were the severe limitations on water use , unfavourable marketing conditions , production quotas , restrictions on the planting of fruit trees , and poor access to credit facilities .
5 Among a number of executions reported during December were the hanging of nine people on Dec. 7 in the town of Zahedan , south-east Iran , after being condemned by an Islamic court for having " disturbed the public order " in disturbances there in November .
6 Innocent III instructed his court not to be importunate over gifts and he attempted to introduce fixed chancery charges , but the gratuities expected by officials were a part of normal life and these the pope could not control .
7 Tribal sculpture and the painting of Cézanne , both of which were used extensively by Picasso as sources for the Demoiselles , were to be the two major influences in the creation of Cubism ; in fact the constant inspiration which Picasso and Braque drew from the art of Cézanne and the stimulation which tribal sculpture provided for Picasso were the only important outside influences in the development of a style which was to be very self-contained .
8 Morellet , Monet as experienced in his studio at Giverny , and Le Courbusier discovered at Marseille were the final French enthusiasms of Ellsworth Kelly .
9 Dean Jones lost no time in demonstrating his ability to hit the ball hard and often on his competitive debut for Durham , but the boundaries he scattered around and beyond the ropes during their Sunday League win over Lancashire were no more impressive than the speed with which he hurtled the singles and made ones into twos .
10 Doreen Johnson , warden at the Dalkeith House old folks complex said villains who made off with a large whisky bottle filled with coins were the lowest of the low .
11 The disc records invented by Berliner were the first to possess this advantage , since they could be stamped out almost like printing .
12 The ones returned from Singapore were the most perfunctorily answered ( and most reactionary in tone ) .
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