Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 In June 1989 another Soviet submarine caught fire in the same area , and this time Norwegian scientists reported evidence of a small radioactive leak .
2 Could Belfast be said in this sense to be a single speech community separate from Lurgan ? or do Lurgan speakers show sensitivity to the same sets of variables ?
3 One weakness of Rationality and Relativism is that it is not always clear that the various authors interpret relativism in the same way .
4 This ceremony takes place at the same time as the annual celebration for the freedom of the city by 38 Regiment of the Royal Engineers .
5 Obviously , when capital is financed from revenue , the accounting takes place at the same time as the financing .
6 For those entries indicated , hyphen signs may also be used immediately after closing square brackets to indicate continuation of the same entry on the next line .
7 For those entries indicated , hyphen signs may also be used immediately after closing square brackets to indicate continuation of the same entry on the next line .
8 The second practice run takes place at the same time on Thursday .
9 And this battle took place on the same day that King Henry in retreat from Wales rode through Shrewsbury , the 14th day of September .
10 An extreme instance is provided by Godden and Baddeley ( 1975 , 1980 ) , who found that the ability of divers to recall a list of words learned either under water or on the beach was much better when the test took place in the same conditions as had prevailed during original learning .
11 But so much pressed in ; so many matters demanded attention at the same time !
12 ‘ For an actor of his calibre , ’ recalls Gerald Thomas , ‘ and he was of a very high calibre indeed , he had the inability to play dialogue at the same time as he was handling props .
13 I sort of recognise it , but I ai n't sure — a lot of places look sort of the same .
14 When early retirement took place at the same time as redundancy , the fear of not getting financial compensation became a reason for taking early retirement .
15 The majority of farm servants stayed only the one year with their master after the annual hiring , but they moved only into the service of other farmers drawing labour from the same hiring fair .
16 Inspired by the coral coasts of Papua New Guinea ( where Liz lived and worked for nine years ) , this aquarium on silk is made by using a rubber-based glue called gutta in the same way that wax is used in the batik process .
17 The employee 's contribution is therefore £1,284.40 and roughly equates to the sum of the Class 2 and Class 4 contributions paid by a self employed person on the same income .
18 Was it merely a coincidence that the fall of Boso took place at the same time as the discovery of the Rauching plot , in which Egidius was involved ?
19 In the women 's movement , too , a significant revolution took place over the same decade .
20 The earliest form was the one-sided station , in which arrival and departure took place on the same side .
21 It was thought locally that attendance might be down because of a Gaelic football regional cup tie taking place at the same time , but many people managed to do both .
22 In ‘ The Dissolution of Character in the Novel ’ she expresses her faith in the power of the computer as a concept to change literature in the same way that print did nearly five hundred years ago :
23 The court gave judgment to the same effect in both cases .
24 In a contestable market , existing firms are vulnerable to entry if they attempt to exploit their market power , there are no sunk costs , and hence exit is costless ; and entrants have access to the same technology and factor prices as incumbents .
25 Dixit ( 1982 ) proposes the following four conditions : 1 That all producers have access to the same technology .
26 The 1968 and 1978 Acts define deception in the same way : " any deception ( whether deliberate or reckless ) by words or conduct , as to fact or as to law , including a deception as to the present intentions of the person using the deception or any other person " ( s.15(4) ) .
27 So his strategy made sense at the same time as it seemed wantonly ruinous .
28 Boy was not surprised at the kind of sex they had , because he had already learnt never to assume that people made love in the same way as they talked .
29 A famous 19th century thinker once observed that ‘ the class which has the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same time over the means of mental production ’ .
30 In sum , Johnson falls victim to the same snare which he saw to have trapped his predecessors .
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