Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [that] [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Bernard announced that he wished to be known as an uncle , not a grandfather .
2 Several speakers agreed that there seemed to be a great waste of resources in the whole training area .
3 ‘ The club realised that something had to be done .
4 Ronald Duncan offered a perhaps apocryphal account of how lunch had been cancelled when Eliot sent a telegram explaining that he had to " bury a woman " .
5 When Mrs Orton proposed that they listen to the Queen 's Speech on the radio , Bill 's only protest was to produce a bottle of brandy from his case , open one of his gift books , roll himself a cigarette with gift tobacco , lean back and stare covertly at his son .
6 The NEC believed that there had to be changes and had already begun wide-ranging consultations .
7 Calfa stressed that his government remained committed to the development of nuclear power , but would in future ensure that it conformed to the highest Western standards .
8 Courts in country B ( the country of shipment ) would not award the amount stipulated in the per package limitation of country A ( the importing country ) even though A 's implementing statute stated that it applied to inward as well as to outward bound shipments .
9 The Administration decided that it applied to any coal owner who had actively sought to mine the coal up to the day the law was passed .
10 The adviser stressed that it needed to be a constructive exercise .
11 Although his head and body are bent towards her in paternal concern , their tension indicates that he wants to be elsewhere ; away from hysterical females , generally , and , in particular , at his lunchdate with the Chinese antique dealer who has hinted over the telephone that he has some particularly fine pieces of Ban Chieng that the National Museum will never see hidden away in his back room .
12 The overriding criterion of speed means that they have to be written in a traditional programming language , such as FORTRAN .
13 Yesterday , though , the resilient Dunwoody said that he hopes to be back in action at Ascot on Wednesday .
14 An ill-informed perception of schools suggests that they need to be ‘ protected ’ from the ‘ real ’ and harsh decisions involved in administering employment legislation , school meals , plant and buildings : ‘ they do not understand what we do , the services we undertake on their behalf , in order that they can get on with teaching the children . ’
15 ‘ Whilst recognising that staff in other parts of AEA would undoubtedly be more concerned , he and his colleagues in the UK and overseas subsidiaries knew that they had to ‘ Keep their eye on the ball , push ahead with product development , sell hard and achieve their demanding targets for growth . ’
16 He had not seen any of his children for ten years ; but he guessed that Alexei knew that he hated to be treated with formal courtesy .
17 Changing between the 0.10 gauge sets that you refer to should not cause any problems ; the first set has a heavy top and light bottom and vice versa for the other , and the difference in tension and playability would probably be too small to notice .
18 Alexander said that everyone wants to be right but no one stops to think whether their idea of right is in fact right .
19 The animals failed to draw blood but , two weeks later , she was still so worried about getting her fingers bitten that she admitted to finding the whole business of pushing letters through a letter box as nerve-wracking , in its own way , as trying to hole a four footer .
20 Doone with slight reluctance admitted that there seemed to be marble stuck to the underside of one more floorboard on each side of the hole .
21 Dr Vickery found that there appeared to be a critical acidity level which affected both dippers ' breeding success and a stream 's population of the invertebrates on which the birds feed .
22 In the event , the meeting decreed an adjournment after only 90 minutes ; observers noted that there seemed to be a general desire to paper over the rifts caused by the Gulf war .
23 Everything which is now taking place confirms that I have to be careful , very careful , even to the extent of disowning some of my earlier work if necessary .
24 The mysterious pattern of war decreed that he sail to Canada on the Aquitania .
25 Later , in exile , she defended the festival saying that it brought to Iran purist , traditional art form all over the world .
26 In Lawrence [ 1982 ] AC 510 , Lord Diplock said that there had to be an obvious and serious risk of some physical harm or substantial damage to property in relation to reckless driving and causing death by reckless driving .
27 We also booked hotels in advance , since the guidebooks said that they tended to be busy .
28 Lord Denning said that it had to be so serious that it was of the first importance that offenders be brought to justice .
29 At precisely what date he went is difficult to determine , for although Ibn Hajar states that he went to Egypt in 778/1376–7 , he follows this immediately with the statement whereas in fact Molla Fenari should have been twenty-seven years of age at that date according to the birthdate given by Ibn Hajar himself .
30 Ullman therefore suggests ( contra empiricists and Piaget ) that a baby — or , one might add , a kingfisher — can see that two appearances are views of one and the same object even if it has never seen that sort of object before , and even if it has no tactile or manipulative evidence suggesting that they pertain to one and the same thing .
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