Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv prt] [pron] [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 At erm that 's that big lighting is there on the basis that if the switch goes down we should have a number of telephones that still have to be available erm and we need to identify them suggested by a red telephone , or using a red telephone situated somewhere .
2 You did n't have to have the soul of a poet to conjure up what could have been ; in my mind 's eye I had a vision of Templars in their faceless conical helmets , red and white crosses on their black cloaks , moving across the island at the dead of night , the barges being soundlessly poled whilst , at prow and stern , huge cresset torches spluttered and flared in the darkness .
3 ‘ We get dads coming along who might have been into Cream and they bring their son who 's wearing a Megadeth T-shirt — the common link is Hendrix . ’
4 If Jake found out he would have her guts for garters !
5 She added that one couple spent £400 battling over who would have their 40 Elvis Presley discs .
6 So whatever sort of question comes up you will have seen something like it would n't you ?
7 ‘ Of course , if this beastly war breaks out we 'll have to make it earlier .
8 If war broke out he 'd have to join his father 's regiment , but he was n't going to tell her that .
9 They hope when the 1994 festival comes round they 'll have become a part of Cheltenham tradition .
10 Brophy however insisted that if test-tube fusion holds up it would have such a major impact on society that ‘ Sometimes one has more responsibility to society than to the scientific community . ’
11 One day , a woman turned up who must have seemed the very embodiment of that nature he was tussling with daily .
12 Ace turned up you 'd have got the run four turns up you get your runs .
13 Now she was where we were and that office junior turned up she would have gone for there and I prob bet she will probably be quite
14 Even if someone wanted to have their dog put down they could have applied for financial help . ’
15 Cos I , I says to Sarah go on we 'll have a listen to it and we stopped it anyway I says I 'll t I 'll take it off if you want , he says no leave it .
16 Going back to the agents up in the town , the boatmen to get information about a ship coming in they would have to go up to the town
17 ‘ The Dark Lords fought over who should have the chaining of him . ’
18 If I had been one of their advisers when TV came along I would have said : ‘ Do n't meddle with it . ’
19 ‘ When I get this office sorted out I will have four or five sets in here , all of them on different channels , ’ he laughs .
20 And , casting an eye towards the world championships in August , Backley insisted that if the injury hung around he would have no hesitation in pulling out of the year 's big event in Stuttgart to prevent further damage .
21 It was widely believed the committee wanted him , but insiders pointed out he may have been the wrong man for the job .
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