Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [subord] [pron] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 In these situations the Pump Wagon sustains D6 strength 6 hits due to damage sustained as it crunches and smashes its way through .
2 You can enjoy the freedom to wander where you want and stay at any of the hotels listed on the previous page ( there 's even a map making your choice of hotels quick and easy ) .
3 ‘ The bone can work its way in , you see , ’ the stranger explained as he knelt and checked Gazzer 's pockets with his free hand .
4 Her horse reared as she fell and Scathach 's naked corpse slipped from its insufficient bindings , falling awkwardly , an ungainly mass of pale flesh and bone , head turned up , eyes dull .
5 ‘ Oh , Christ , ’ said Evans , letting his shoulders sag as he turned and walked away from the open door .
6 The other thing is my contribution to the new album is limited , Jake had most of the songs finished before I arrived and all I did was go in and lay down the bass tracks .
7 The women in the village say , ‘ Poor Elizabeth , she has a lot to put up with , with that big old house and Angharad , and Hywel working so hard on the farm ’ , but their eyes gleam as they speak and they do not like her .
8 Sue Harvey urges parents to think before they buy and not to play into the hands of the clubs :
9 This does not coincide with the realistic view of mankind having to overcome the opposition of nature to do as he wishes and came and cultivate what originally posed a threat , and most often still does .
10 They were unprepared to accept the structure of the initial conference proposed since it excluded and therefore tended to outlaw further the DRA regime .
11 I think in essence I mean many of our students are doing nothing different to what students at other universities do when they go and have a private party in their lodgings .
12 A long moment passed before he sniffed and said , ‘ She is a potter . ’
13 Charman was pleased to see Gedge return to demo tapes recorded before he joined and write on them : ‘ The Wedding Present , featuring Mike Bedford . ’
14 ‘ Cheers , lads , ’ Duncan said as we turned and went back to the pillar .
15 Will my hon. Friend do as I did and haul the leading debtors among large firms before him , to tell them that unless they jolly well pay their debts , Government legislation to force them to do so will follow ?
16 ‘ Are you thinking of going all the way to Morocco ? ’ he asked , with his even white teeth shining as he smiled and dived down like a dolphin around her .
17 ‘ Where 'd you pick her up ? his father whispered as he stood and raised his hat in a gesture that was too elaborate .
18 Leave the chocolate to stand until it cools and the mixture thickens slightly .
19 The kiss lengthened until he groaned and lifted his head .
20 Pat 's job had already brought her into contact with the problems people face when they retire and feel that just because they 've stopped working , they 've dropped out of society .
21 Argentina 's military dictatorship collapsed in 1983 , its ruling generals discredited because they launched and lost the Falklands war .
22 ‘ I can see that , ’ D'Arcy murmured as he knelt and gently prised Ahn 's hand away from the wound .
23 Her voice shook as she slapped and struggled her way free , then turned on her heel and ran to the stairs , almost slipping in her high heels .
24 The seller of specialist magazines grimaced when she smiled and as he pushed the door shut to the frisky chiming of the bell he grunted , ‘ Try the showroom , they might know .
25 There was little reason to stay on in an empty house , Belinda decided as she covered and refrigerated the kedgeree after her father had left .
26 Is he aware that one business man did as he suggested and , as a result of his coming forward , three people were convicted of racketeering ?
27 So powerful did the Association feel itself to be that it declined to amalgamate into a nationally representative Shipping Federation which came into being in September 1890 , though it allowed its individual members to join if they wished and developed a working arrangement with it.Indeed the separatism of the Mersey shipowners lasted until 1967 when they eventually merged into a British Shipping Federation , though not under the title " Employers ' Labour Association " .
28 ‘ That young man will advance far , ’ Cranston murmured as they dismounted and knocked on the door .
29 Cranston roared as he rose and went to fetch the boots standing in the comer .
30 Right , yeah so erm you know I mean that 's probably the best thing to do if you try and , try and at least keep up to date with the rest of this term and er you know not er make sure , even if you have n't been to a class at least you know what went , went on there from somebody
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